Chapter 20- Fight!

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Rain began to pour down the streets as Hart ran through them, time in Hart's mind cease to exist. She had two things that she wanted to show her uncle: the Tri-Sword and the gates of hell. As Hart ran she noticed someone walking her direction, "Hart?" It was Zombonica, Hart's eyes averted from his and she continued to run, "Hey, Hart! What's wrong?!" Zombonica began to chase after her, grabbing her wrists with both hands, stopping Hart from going any further, "Stop! LET GO OF ME!" Hart tried to punch Zombonica with a hard fist, fortunately he dodged it. He then took this opportunity to wrap his arms around Hart, giving her a warm hug, "STOP IT!" she yelled trying to get free, "Not until you tell me what's wrong!" Hart bit her lip and tears began to fall, "Henri... Is dying" Zombonica's eyes grew wide, "What...?! How?!" "My cousin poisoned him... It turns out, she wasn't really who I thought she was... I will make her and Shenurau pay!!" Hart screamed in anger, "Hart! Consider time! If you train with me just a bit more, you can definitely fight and beat them both head on!" It was a tough decision, in Hart's mind the decision is: Go head on with them now and risk it or Train to the absolute best to defeat them with no problem? "Zenn... I'll train with you" Zombonica smiled, "That's the spirit!"

(One month later...)
Hart has learned everything Zombonica could teach her and was now faster and smarter. Her strength grew immensely and her mind was in her control, "Well then... I guess its about time that Shenurau challenges you again. But I'm pretty confident it will be his last!" Hart smiled, "I just want to defeat him... And thanks to you Zenn, I just might be able to do that" Zombonica smiled, "Your welcome"
"So today is the day? Are you prepared Tears?" The girl nodded, "I was ready a month ago! What made you think that I wasn't ready?" Shenurau smirked, "Because you were way too full of yourself" Tears scoffed, "Like you aren't" she mumbled, "It doesn't matter because today, I get to see my favorite niece!" He exclaimed sarcastically, "Well, should we go now?" Shenurau turned to face his partner and gave a solid nod, "Okay, Let's go!"
(Typhoon's house...)
"Are you okay? Can you stand?" Asked Typhoon as he walked Henri into the living room, "Yes, I can walk on my own now. Thank you, dad" Typhoon smiled, "Anything for my children" suddenly the door opened, Hart and Zombonica walked in, "Hey, Star. How you holdin' up?" Asked Zombonica, "I'm doing... Good I guess" Hart placed her hand on Henri's shoulder, "Henri... Today is the day I get revenge for you! Zombonica and I will fight against Shenurau! I'll make sure he and Sherri pay for deceiving us!" Henri let out a sigh, "It really seems like a waste..." Hart's eyes grew wide, "What do you mean?" Henri gave a small smile, " The training I did for four years was a waste. I couldn't really help you in the first fight and I can't even help you in this one..." Hart smiled, "No, you are helping me... You're supporting me. And that's all the help I need to keep going!" Henri smiled, "Thanks sis" Hart gave her brother a kiss on the cheek, "I love you, Henri. I'll be back soon" Star had a small tear in his eye, "I love you too. Be careful!" Hart gave a nod as she stood.
(15 minutes later)
Hart and Zombonica stood at the same arena Hart first fought Shenurau in, "So this is it" he said, "Yeah... Now, we wait" Hart crossed her arms and sat on a huge rock, "So... Who do you blame on Henri's sickness? Sherri or Shenurau?" Hart gave a sad smile, "Its obvious who I blame..." "Shenurau?" "No... I blame myself. If I had noticed that Sherri was a liar, then this never would've happened" Zombonica shook his head, "That's not true. You should only blame your family for being so complex" Hart chuckled at her friend's words. Then a sudden gust of wind blew through the air, Hart jumped off the rock on to her feet, "He's here!" Zombonica straightened his posture as he stood, "MUWAHAHA!" Hart's eyebrows furrowed, That evil laugh! Ugh! It's unforgettable! The man flew down from the height as if he were a god, "Who's ready to battle!" He asked with a huge smile. Hart felt her heart beat faster, I'll make him pay for everything he's done to me... All the horrors Hart witnessed came flooding back.
(All flashbacks mixed together)
"NOOO!! ZENTRICK!!"- Haruuka
"WAR ASLAY!!!" -Zentrick
"LOVA!!" -Hart
"DIE!!" -Shenurau
(End of flashbacks)
Anger grew in her mind, "We'll take you on!" Yelled Zombonica with a cool smirk, Shenurau's feet touched the ground and he shrugged his shoulders as he shook his head making his white godly hair sway in the strong winds, "As you wish... It won't make a difference either way, you do know that right Hart?" The girl nodded and raised her clenched fist, "It won't change the outcome! We will beat you either way!" Shenurau smirked, "Whatever you say..." Hart felt the wind hitting her eyes making her blink her eyes, "Ugh!" On the first blink Shenurau stood alone with his arms crossed. On the second blink, Hart saw Sherri with Black hair standing next to Shenurau with her bangs covering half her face, Hart and Zombonica remained calm despite the sudden appearance. "Sherri! You lying-!" Zombonica cut Hart off before she could finish her sentence, "Calm down..." Sherri looked up to gaze at Hart, "Unfortunately... Sherri is not here at the moment. I'm Tears of Darkness! At your demise" she laughed, Hart grit her teeth, "Liar! You poisoned my brother!! Why?! Why did you go for him and not me?!" Hart yelled, Tears remained with an evil smile, "Because I wanted to" Hart stopped, "Because I wanted to" the phrase continued to echo in her mind angering Hart, "How... DARE YOU!!" Readying for an attack Hart was stopped once more by Zombonica, "Calm down!" Tears laughed at Hart's reaction, "How cute. Too bad... There is No cure for that poison so there's not a single chance you have in saving him. You truly were a Bad Sister" Hart realized what Tears was doing, "Maybe... You have had a terrible death" Tears' eyes grew wide, Hart smirked, "Terah" How the hell does she know my real name?! Thought Tears, "W-What are you talking about?" She lied. "Daddy wasn't pleased with his daughter?" Mocked Hart, at her comment Zombonica stared at Hart in shock, What the?! What's she talking about? At the final words, Tears began to glare deeply at Hart, "What did you say?!" "You heard what I said!" Tears felt her blood boil, "How do you know that?!" Hart smiled, "None of your business" I have Henri to thank for that but she will never know. Haha
(Flashback/ 4 years ago)
"Henri... What is your natural power?" Asked Typhoon on Hart and Henri's first day of training, "I... uh can read minds and see the future or past.... It's not a good natural power, is it?" Typhoon laughed, "That's not true! Every natural power has its ups and downs" Typhoon put his sunglasses on and crossed his arms trying to look like (an anime style) trainer. "You know... When I was a kid my father told me and Lova to make a cut on each one of our hands and hold hands" Henri looked shocked, "Why?!" Typhoon laughed, "Because if you trade blood with your sibling, then you get a bit of each other's power! That way, you become stronger!" Hart and Henri looked at each other, "Should we do that?" Asked Henri, "Um... Typhoon, can we?" Typhoon nodded, "Yeah! It will really help you out in the future!"
(End of Flashback)
Tears glared as Hart smirked, "Thanks, dad" whispered Hart only loud enough for Zombonica to hear, "Typhoon..." Zombonica understood and nodded,"Stop this already! I want the talking to stop! I came here to kill you!" Shenurau bit the edge of his lip and unfolded his arms, Hart nodded, "Well, you got the killing part right except... the one to die will be you!" Shenurau smirked, "Oh yeah? Bring it on!" He yelled in enthusiasm. Zombonica smirked and folded his arms, "Remember what I taught you" he said under his breath getting into stance, "With Pleasure!" Hart replied getting in her stance, she and Zombonica were back to back. "Alright!" Tears yelled as she rose into the air and twirled around, Hart ran towards Shenurau who stood with a huge smile on his face, "Meeme Hatchiko!" Hart said as she flipped swiftly through the air and quickly kicked her enemy. Shenurau dodged the attack and formed a fist which was engulfed in flames within seconds, "Hya!" He uppercut Hart and sent her flying into the sky, "Aaaah!!" Zombonica looked up and saw that Tears continued to twirl, Oh I see... Tag team. He attacks first as she powers up to give a final blow... Haha! Smart but stupid. Did they forget that I'm here? He quickly ran and jumped as high as he could, reaching for Tears' leg, making her fall without warning. "Gotcha!" Tears landed face down into the ground, "Ouch..." she said, Zombonica got up and looked into the sky once more, Hart was barely coming down, "Aaaah!" Zombonica ran under the spot he predicted she would fall and held out both arms, "Don't worry! I'll catch you!" Hart nodded and prayed to herself, He better catch me!! The moment of truth came and Hart was a few seconds away, Zombonica had predicted the right spot and waited for his friend to land, "Zenn!" Hart landed safely in her friend's arms, "I told you, I would catch you..." Zombonica put Hart down and they both looked over at Shenurau. He clapped and chuckled, "Nice... Although, let's get down to business! Hya!" A blade appeared out of thin air and Shenurau sliced the space between himself and his niece, "Ow" said Hart grabbing her left shoulder, dripping small droplets of blood, "Haha!" Shenurau laughed and took his blade to his mouth, his next action made Hart and Zombonica's eyes go wide, "Yum... Delicious blood!" Hart was stunned as well as Zombonica. (A/N: If a Luxian drinks even a drop of blood of another Luxian, he/she is given the equal amount of strength as the 'victim') "Shenurau! You fool! You've become weaker because you're stronger than her!" Shenurau smirked as he licked his lips, "Well... Let's see whether I can still beat her. With her own power!" Hart readied herself, "Margin Power! Natural Boost!" Hart's hair became a dark black and her eyes a deep red. "Well... This seems interesting, how about you and I fight, Tears?" Said Zombonica coolly, "Sure" the girl once again jumped in the air to try and charge her power, "Margin Power! FLAME OF THE GODS!" Hart's eyes grew wide as the flames burst in front of her, "SPLASH FLASH!" Said a familiar voice, water extinguished the flames, "Huh? I thought you died!" Said Shenurau in shock, the white Pegasus before him spread her wings and tilted her head, "Well, I'm here to help my friend! If you lay another finger on her, I will destroy you!" Shenurau smirked, "The ones to be destroyed is the three of you!" Lova ran over to Hart's side, "Get on!" Hart nodded and jumped on, "Let's fly!" Shenurau waved his hands in a circle motion to the left and to the right
"LEON!" All of a sudden a dragon appeared. (Note: Dragons exist on Luxius) It was a dark color of black and it's eyes were red, the wings matched it's eyes, it stared straight at Hart and Lova, Shenurau jumped on and the dragon growled at Lova, "Let's see who can win?" Hart nodded, "*GGGRRROOOWWWLLL!*" the dragon opened it's mouth, sending intense flames bursting out at Lova, "Nice try my fiery friend, but I think I have the upper hand!" Said Lova as she dodged the flames, "Ultrasonic-!" Hart began to power her attack, "Margin Power-!" Shenurau did the same, Lova noticed this and began to fly away from Shenurau, as far as she could go. "WAVE BLAST!" "FLAME OF THE GODS!" both blasts burst between the two, eliminating the distance between them, "POWER BOOSTER: ULTRASONIC WAVE BLAST!" said Lova as she spread her wings, (A/N: Refer to chapter 11 to figure out why Lova can boost Hart's power) the beam grew stronger and overwhelmed Shenurau's flames, "GGGAAAHHH!!!!" The energy enveloped Shenurau, Hart looked away from the blast because its light was too strong, "SHENURAU!!" Tears yelled, the light faded and Shenurau was lying on the ground, bleeding badly, "Good job buddy!" Said Zombonica as he gave a thumbs up, Hart nodded "Thanks and thank you too Lova" Her friend nodded in response, "HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM?!" Yelled Tears clenching her fists, Hart noticed small black droplets were falling from the girl's hand. "YOU SHALL PAY!" Tears brought her hands into the air, summoning a dark cloud, something in Hart's mind clicked, The dark rain cloud! Henri's dream!! It can't be, that she's planning to melt me?! Zombonica stared with slight fear into the air, "DARK ACID RAIN!!"

To Be Continued...

*Note: This chapter was going to be LONG so I decided to divide it into two parts! So I'm making another chapter, but it will still be Chapter 20- Fight! (Continued). So I hope you love the (real) final chapter on the next update! Thanks To All Readers!*

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