Chapter 11- Things Change!

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Hart, Typhoon, Lova, and Henri have tried their best to train harder since their last encounter with Shenurau. It has been two weeks since then... The Luxians still haven't told Lova about her past and they decided, its better that she forgets and starts a new life. Hart is Lova's Aslay, in Luxian, Aslay is a True Friend. An Aslay is very important to have in a Luxian's life, an Aslay helps boost the Luxian's power and speed. Also, for the past two weeks it was vacation for Hart so she hasn't been absent from school. ~Now Back To The Story!

Hart woke up at 5 a.m. She was getting ready to go feed Lova, "Phew. I'm so tired... Maybe some time with Lova would cheer me up, but Typhoon said never to go near a pegasus while they eat. I wonder why?" Hart grabbed a huge bucket and stuffed it with all nutrition;meat, grains, veggies, and... Something she couldn't describe. It looked like a vegetable but also a meat. Its shaped like meat, smells like watermelon (A/N:Yes, Luxians eat human food too. Not only food we've never heard of) and Typhoon says its a vegetable that only pegasus can eat. Hart ran towards the stable, (Typhoon made one) where Lova was. She was wide awake and looked hungry, "Good morning, Hart! What's for breakfast?" Lova said looking at the bucket, "Your favorite! Nutrition!" Hart placed the bucket in front of Lova, "Thank you! This would be a wonderful day with such a delicious breakfast!" Hart could hear the cheerfulness in Lova's voice, If Lova still had her body, she would probably be smiling from ear to ear. Hart thought to herself. "Well, see you later Lova. I'm going back to bed!" Hart smiled happily, "Hart, would you like to run with me later? I assure you, it will be fun!" Lova said looking at Hart, "Sure but after school okay?" Lova nodded. Hart went back to sleep and had a weird dream,

(In the Dream)

Hart stood in the middle of some kind of planet that wasn't Luxius. This planet was made of rock the had many cracks in the ground. Inside those cracks were orange/yellow glows, lava! "What's going on?!" Hart yelled, suddenly someone grabbed her hand, she looked at the person and screamed in shock, "You're a Zombie!! Who are you?!" the man was pretty, for a zombie that is. No body parts were falling apart so he didn't look too scary, "Buddy? Its me Zombonica! Are you okay? Come on! The war is raging, we have to run!" Hart suddenly felt safe, 'Why is this zombie so nice to me? Wait! He called me... Buddy?!' Hart thought to herself as they ran. "Hart, run! I'll catch up later!" said Zombonica stopping suddenly and Hart stopped as well, "No, come with me! Zenn!" Hart was surprised at what she said. (Note: Zenn in Luxian means Buddy.) Zombonica shook his head, "No, go on. I'll be fine! Go!" Hart hesitantly nodded, "Okay... Promise me, you won't die!" Zombonica began to laugh, "I'm a Zombie! I can't die!" Hart also began to laugh, "Oh yeah! Hahaha!"

(End of Dream)

Hart woke up laughing, "Hahaha! Thats true. Zombies can't die!" As Hart opened her eyes she realized it was just a dream and it was time to go to school, Wow. I have a Zombie friend in my dreams! Thats awesome! Too bad... It was just a dream.
Once she was ready Hart said goodbye to everyone before she ran out the door. Five minutes later, she saw Kyosuke waiting for her, "Kyosuke!" she yelled happily, but Kyosuke had a serious face, "Hart... Hey. Um, I have to tell you something" he said almost sadly, "Uh sure. What's up?" Kyosuke looked pained as he looked into Hart's eyes, "Hart... I'm leaving" a huge wave of shock took hold of Hart as her eyes grew wide, "What?! Where are you leaving to?!" Kyosuke looked depressed now, "I'm going to a planet called Earth. My parents say we could live there from now on. Its because... Some of our family members are there and well my parents don't want to be apart from the family... Hart, I'm sorry" he said his eyes becoming watery, Hart couldn't hold back and hugged Kyosuke, she cried as they held onto each other, not wanting to be apart, "But... What about us? Our friendship? What will happen to it?" Asked Hart, "Nothing... But Hart I have to tell you something else too..." Hart pulled away from the hug and looked Kyosuke in the eyes, "What?" Kyosuke wiped away Hart's tears, pulled her towards him, bringing her into another embrace. Hart's eyes grew wide, Kyosuke's eyes were closed, he pulled away, staring into her eyes, "Hart, I'm going to miss you..." he finally said with a sad smile, Hart blinked a couple of times, "Kyosuke..." Hart knew how she felt, she stood straight and smiled sweetly at him, "I'm going to miss you too..." Kyosuke breathed out a sigh of relief. "Hart... Thanks. Let's go to class" Hart nodded, as they walked to class. This.... is life. You might get something important to you yet you don't discover your feelings towards it until its taken away... I love Kyosuke. But we can't be together... Why didn't I realize my feelings towards him sooner? During class Hart kept thinking to herself and suddenly the teacher called on Hart to answer a question, "Well, Hart?" Hart shook her head and looked at the teacher, "Uh.... Can you repeat the question?" the teacher laughed, "What is Love to Luxians?" the class began to giggle and one child out of the group yelled out, "Hart should know! She has a boyfriend!" Hart blushed and Kyosuke grabbed her hand, "Really Hart? Who might this boy be?" said the teacher smiling, Kyosuke stood up, "Me!" Hart blushed even more since he was still holding her hand. Even though she was embarrassed Hart stood up and held Kyosuke's hand, "Yes, its true" Suddenly it hit Hart, Why are we standing in front of our whole class saying we're together!! Oh my Sendri!!
After class...
Hart felt more depressed as her time with Kyosuke would end soon, "Hart..." he finally spoke, "Would you still remember me in 5 years?" Hart turned to stare at Kyosuke with a Are-You-Serious-? expression, "Yes! You are my best friend! And you will always be!" Kyosuke smiled sadly while facing the ground, "Oh... Then, would you come to Earth when you're old enough to move out of your house?" Hart was shocked, "Of course! I will go!" Kyosuke chuckled at her response, "Okay then... In two years? One day we will be able to see each other again!" they held hands and tears streamed down their faces. Hart... If only you know how I feel about you... My heart hurts now because you probably won't accept me. I just hope that in two years we will see each other again.
The bell rung... Hart's heart fell and tears wouldn't stop falling as she looked at her friend. Kyosuke faced Hart with honest eyes that said he miss her, "Hart..." he said as he pulled Hart into another embrace, all his emotions were in that hug, Hart could sense it."I love you too..." the pain wouldn't stop hurting. A few moments passed and they said their goodbyes, ending everything with another huge hug. They walked their separate ways. Hoping one day to see one another again... Hart had hope and so did Kyosuke, the only problem will be finding him on Earth. Once Hart made it home she pretended to be fine and skipped eating dinner, Henri found this strange since Hart is the first to finish all the food before everyone else has even began to eat, so he went to Hart's room quietly. He heard sobbing inside her room and listened through the door, "Kyosuke... Why? Why did you have to leave? *Sob* Why?!" she yelled into a pillow, Henri could feel all the pain his sister felt, it was too much for him to handle as he covered his mouth with his hand and began to cry along with his sister.
Two Days Later...
Hart had barely ended class and school was about to end. She couldn't help but keep going to the same spot she and Kyosuke used to hang out in, it made her upset thinking about him. "I... have to cheer up. I can't live my life being depressed all the time. Although... Too many things in my life aren't exactly what a Luxian girl is supposed to go through..." she remembered all the painful memories of the situations she was in, In truth, any Luxian girl would face her fears but they would do it with the help of a friend... I never wanted help, and that always almost got me killed. Its for being selfish that I keep having bad things happen to me... the bell rang and Hart looked around, all the students were leaving and the teachers as well. Hart walked past the trees and saw a girl who had fallen and her knee was bleeding, Hart rushed to the girl, "Are you okay?!" the girl shook her head, "It hurts badly!" tears were forming in the girl's eyes, "Um... Oh here!" Hart quickly used magic to get a first aid kit, she pulled out the alcohol and applied it to the girl's wound, "OWW!", "Don't worry! The pain will stop soon!" after Hart had already bandaged the wound, she stood up and looked at the other girl worried. "Thank you, Hart" Hart nodded, "You're wel- Wait! How do you know my name?!" the girl giggled, "I'm in your class..." Hart looked shocked, "Oh... I didn't know that... Hey what's your name?" the girl smiled, "I'm Yui Strifes!" Hart smiled, "Hmm... Yui's a cute name! But Yui, will you be able to make it home?" Yui shook her head, "I can't move my leg... It hurts too much!" Hart was worried to leave the girl alone, "Um... then I'll take you home" Yui looked at Hart, eyes wide, but then a smile formed on her face, "Thank you..."  After 20 minutes of walking... "We're here!" said Yui full of spirit, "Oh... You live here..." Hart took Yui to her house, "Thank you, Hart! My leg feels a bit better so I think I got it from here!" nodded in understanding, "Um... Tomorrow I will give you something to repay you for helping me out!" Hart smiled, "Okay then, bye Yui!" she walked away from the house singing to herself. Hart walked for 15 minutes and stopped to take a break at a nearby park bench. A sudden typhoon blew around Hart, "Huh?!" Hart covered her eyes with her arm, "YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" said a deep voice, that sounded as if a monster had said it, an arm wrapped around Hart and pulled her into a ship. Hart tried desperately to scream and get away but it was no use, the monster blindfolded her, "Well... What are we going to do with this Luxian girl?" asked the same monster-like voice, "We take her to the king! He would appreciate new food like her!" Hart gasped as she listened in on the conversation, Food?! They're going to eat me?! WHAT??? after a short time, Hart passed out.
(Two hours later...)
"Wake up!" Hart was awoken by a slap to the face, "What is it you bring me today?" the monster removed the blindfold from Hart's face. "Wha?! Such delicious food you bring me!!" Hart looked at the person before her and screamed, "AHHH! YOU'RE A ZOMBIE!! NO WAY!!" the man looked offended, "Of course I am! I'm the King of all Zombies! You just call me King Zombon!" the name rang a bell but it was different, "Zombonica...." whispered Hart, "Hmm?" Hart gasped, Zombonica... the memory of her dream came flooding back,"Take her to the prison cell! I'll eat her later!" said the King. The guards took Hart to a room that looked empty but someone was in already, "Hello..." said Hart as she sat on the stone floor and the guards locked the door behind her, "Hey..." Something about the person's voice sounded very familiar to Hart, "Um... I'm Hart Love. What's your name?" the person turned around to meet Hart's gaze, the boy was also a Zombie and Hart's eyes grew wide, It... It can't be! "I'm Zombonica!" he said with a nice smile.

To Be Continued...

*Note: I didn't come up with the idea of Zombonica, a friend made his story and we decided to make Zombonica part of Hart's Fortune! So Special Thanks to my friend. Also, Zombies only have a first name and their planet is called Zombon. And again Thanks To All Readers! :)*

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