Chapter 8: The Party

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A/N: Thank you so much for being patient! The days seem to be slipping by me and I keep getting behind!

"Yeah, it's quite the party."


"I love Sinclair's parties...or, at least, I enjoyed the one I've been to." Audrey called to me from her dresser, where she stood at the circular mirror hanging on the wall behind it.

"I'm looking forward to seeing his home. If it's really what you two say it is, then I can hardly wait." Jade added, slipping into her dress in front of the full length mirror on the opposite side of Audrey's bedroom.

I was in the joint bathroom, putting a few finishing touch ups on my hair and makeup before it was time to leave for Sinclair's party. My nerves were almost non-existent, either from the fact that I had become much more comfortable about seeing Sinclair or the fact that I was attending with my two best friends.

"It's stunning, Jade. You won't believe it when you see it," My voice rang out, my words echoing off of the hard tile of Audrey's washroom, "I think this is the perfect way for us to end our week."

The week had gone on rather quickly, the three of us continuing on with our day to day lives. However, our day to day lives had been stressful. Audrey was still bored to death at work, putting off her deadline until the absolute last minute. Jade was still scrounging up as much money as possible, spending all of her energy on the few orders that she was receiving. I had a meeting with my publisher, as well as my manager for them to let me know that I needed a book idea proposed by the time fall came around. That didn't give me very much time, and I knew better than to commit to an idea that I knew I was less than passionate about.

"Speaking did your meeting go?" Audrey asked when she suddenly remembered that she hadn't asked me about it yet.

Audrey's palm scrunched at her red curls, keeping them voluminous and thick in the way that she liked her hair to be. Jade's shoulder length hair was as straight as it usually was, shiny and so healthy that her black hair almost had a tint of navy blue to it.

"They told me the same thing that they've been saying. I've got to have an idea by September or the company's going to drop me," I explained, careful not to smudge my lipstick as I popped my lips, "I've got absolutely nothing to give them."

Audrey tugged at the hem of the skirt of her dark green dress, making small adjustments so that the dress clung to her lanky, tall frame just right.

"What about an auto-biography? A lot of authors write those." Audrey suggested, knowing that at least she would love to read about my life...despite the fact that she knew most of it.

My throat elicited a snort, my lips upturning into an amused smile.

"I have one successful published work. I don't think I've made it to the level of stardom that grants me that guaranteed success." I went on, giving myself one last glance in the mirror.

Audrey frowned in disappointment, but she understood that I knew my audience much better than she did. Audrey struggled when it came to coming up with creative writing ideas. All of her material for her monthly articles came straight from celebrity press. Her ideas were practically given to her.

Jade had been off to the side, her mind working and thinking silently as usual.

"Maybe an auto-biography isn't the answer...but what if you used something from your life as inspiration for an idea?" Jade questioned, throwing out an offer to me.

I knew that book authors used their life experiences for inspiration all the time. That was one of the beautiful things about writing: I could create a work out of the things right in front of me. Even with my first book, I had used certain elements and lessons from my life in the story. But it seemed that I had been in such a rut that there wasn't possibly anything I could've used.

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