Chapter 27: Sincerely, Sinclair

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A/N: I don't even know where to begin with an apology. I know that I completely fell off the face of the Earth and left this story on a major cliffhanger. It was never my intentions to leave this story so open ended, but truth be told, life sort of got in the way of me writing this story. However, I've been planning this final chapter (as well as an epilogue coming very soon) for quite some time, and I've spent the last several weeks writing it. I hope that you all like it, and I'm so sorry that it took so long. Much love as always <3

Getting to know you question: What has been your favorite part of this story?

"I was starting to think that you'd never understand just how much I care for you."


I had to get to Audrey's apartment as soon as possible. I needed to talk to her or Jade or really anyone that I knew would listen. I probably looked insane as I made the commute to her apartment with tears running down my face and every other breath being more of a choked hiccup rather than a real inhale of air. I knew that Audrey would be home, so I was sure that I'd be able to catch her at a good time.

I was desperately knocking on her door, jittery and close to exploding with being overwhelmed.

"[Y/N]?" She questioned, taking in my sobbing frame. "What's the matter?" Audrey asked desperately, clearly not expecting me to show up at her doorstep in a spiral of tears.

"I'm-I'm...It's-he..." I blubbered.

I was at a level of emotional and overwhelmed that I hadn't felt in a long time. I was hysterically crying, like the kind that I had only experienced a handful of times in my life. The tears were falling faster than I could wipe them away, wetting my cheeks and reddening to my eyes to the max.

"[Y/N], what is going on?" Audrey's hands came to my shoulders, her light brows furrowing in immense concern.

I was hardly coherent. A year's worth of bottled up and pushed down feelings were all coming out at once. Audrey ushered me into her apartment, afraid that her neighbors would be disturbed by my wailing. She brought me into her kitchen, sitting me down at the small table in the middle of it. I was shaking all over, and she had never seen me quite like this.

Audrey was flustered, completely clueless as to what was going on or what to do. An extra pair of footsteps echoed closer until they stopped cold at the doorway of the kitchen. Through red and teary eyes, I saw David standing with a surprised expression on his face. I realized in the cloud of my upset that I had clearly not caught Audrey at a good time.

I knew that Audrey and David had been seeing each other often, but I genuinely hadn't expected him to be at her apartment.

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't know-"

"No, no. Please don't be sorry," David said as kindly as he could. "Clearly you need Audrey more than I do." David tried to joke to ease the tension.

Audrey took a seat in the other chair, lovingly resting her hand on my shoulder.

"David and I were just spending the afternoon together. He was kind enough to lend a helping hand with organizing my office like you and Jade always tell me to do." Audrey smiled, her sympathetic nature beginning to come to light now that the initial shock was wearing off.

I made another attempt at trying to tell her what was happening, but my attempt was fruitless. Apparently, I wasn't very good at articulating when I was having a "coming to self" moment.

"Travis-...Sinclair, I..." I continued to cry, and it was clear that this conversation wasn't going anywhere.

"Sinclair?" David asked, standing up straight from where he had been leaning against the doorway. "What'd he do?"

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