Chapter 10: Perfect Realizations

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"Darling, don't you know that you can have both?"


I'll be honest, I'm not exactly sure how Sinclair ended up spending the day with me in my apartment.

I didn't exactly invite him in, but I also didn't tell him NOT to come inside. He sort of just tailed in after me once we had made it to my door. I think once he caught a brief glimpse of the inside, he couldn't ignore the way his curiosity led his feet.

The drive home had been nice. We made small talk, watching as the rainstorm continued to push on. We were a bit sluggish, considering we had eaten a countless amount of pancakes just a few minutes before. It seemed that not many people were out and around town. Mostly everyone had made it a point to stay indoors for the day to shield from the rain and to soak up the last bit of the weekend before the new work week began. It was a peaceful day, despite the rolls of thunder cracking somewhere within the sky.

Sinclair had followed me up to my apartment to ensure that I got in safely. He took in all the intricacies of my apartment building all the way from the lobby to my doorstep. That was when he followed me inside, clearly amazed at my humble flat.

"It's not much. I know it's different from what you're used to." I had shyly told him, anxiously awaiting his reaction.

I watched him from the doorway of my kitchen, giggling to myself as he examined my small plant on my coffee table (a fake table plant, mind you).

"No, darling, it's absolutely wonderful." He complimented, poking at one of the plastic leaves, "Although, you could invest in a real succulent."

"I'm afraid I can't. I'd kill it." I laughed again.

I had always been terrible when it came to taking care of plants. I had tried my hand at gardening when I was a teenager and still living at my mother's house, which ended up being a fruitless hobby.

"I could teach you the basics of plant care. They just liven up the room so well." Sinclair's attention shifted.

I noticed that he was looking for something. There was something specific of mine that he wanted to see. I rolled my eyes, assuming that I knew what he was searching for.

"My bedroom is the door on the left around the corner." I told him, a sigh falling from my lips.

His eyes did shift in that direction, but he curled a brow as if he had no clue what I was on about. He didn't ask specifically what I was talking about, but instead expressed what he was actually looking for.

"Do you have a book collection anywhere? I thought that you might. You know, since you're an author?" Sinclair questioned, his line of sight setting on me.

No one really ever asked about my reading interests. Audrey wasn't a bookworm and Jade never had enough free time to read. I smiled, motioning for him to follow me around the corner. My apartment technically had two bedrooms, but one of them I repurposed into my office space.

Not that I had been using it recently. I was suddenly reminded that my deadline was coming up soon.

I opened the door, revealing to him my desk and four ceiling to floor bookcases. I could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him as he glossed over the books that were neatly shelved. I had books of all genres, sizes, and thickness. I don't care how much of a reader you are, I had a book for any kind of person.

My office was just as I had left it the last time that I had made an attempt to work on my book. While my bookcases were perfectly organized, my desk was another story. There were pens and pencils strewn about, papers that were crumpled up and ripped in half. All my desk contained were dozens of lousy ideas and a typewriter that had been doing nothing but collecting dust on the keys.

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