Safe Haven?

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"You know Carl, when your dad tells you to get up, it usually means he wants you to get up," I hovered above Carl, and he turned away from me. He groaned, and I laughed knowing this is probably the exact same thing I did to my dad. I shook my head and tried to stop thinking of Dad. Every time I did, I just felt too guilty.

"Five more minutes," Carl groaned into the pillow he was hugging. I chuckled and shook my head. I grabbed the blanket that was on top of him, and yanked it off of him. I yanked the pillow out of his grasp, and he glared up at me.

"I said five more minutes. You couldn't just give me that?" he asked and whined.

I shook my head. "Carl, I've only known you for about a day now, and I already know your five minutes and my five minutes, are two completely different things. Come on, get up," I told him, and he finally sat up and stretched.

"Okay okay, I'm up," he crawled out of bed and grabbed the clothes I laid out for him. He gave me a questioning look, before he became very sympathetic. "Did you loose someone? Particualarily, a son around my age," he asked in a soft voice.

When I realized he was referring to the clothes, I shook my head. "I've lost a lot of people. But, the owner of those clothes was gone long before all of this happened. He was a good kid, I just wasn't good for him," I smiled sadly remembering them.

I still remember that night with her, and how I found them all those years later. I remember how she cared for me and let me into her life. I remember how she trusted me to keep them safe, and how I failed them.

Carl nodded probably realizing, I didn't really feel like talking about them. "We've lost people too, which is why we were so grateful for this place. We're hoping this will be a new beginning. A new sanctuary," Carl admitted and started to walk out of the room, but I caught him by the arm. He gave me a weird look, and I stared back at him.

"Don't ever think it's over. Don't ever think you'll be safe. That's when they catch you with your feet up in the air and your hands tied behind your back, Stay alert and stay awake. That's the only way you can even begin to be safe," I warned him and then let go of his arm.

He nodded quickly and ran out of the room. I thought maybe that was a little too much for him, but he needed to hear it. In this world, you're never safe. I sighed and walked out of the room.

When I got into entrance of the main room, I could see that Sam had already made breakfast. Everyone was eating at the tables except Carl. Sam gave everyone a piece of bread and set out a jar of jam. He set out a couple apples, too. I smiled at the sight of everyone and walked into the room.

"Everyone sleep well?" I asked and looked around the room. I got a couple head nods and moans. I laughed at their responses. "I'm gonna take that as a yes," I said and poured myself a glass of water.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me, and I looked over to see Lori staring at me. "Is there something you would like to say?" I asked her, and she sat up a little straighter.

"How do you have all these supplies? Where did you get all of it?" she asked and glanced over to one of the apples. I picked it up and stood up. I slowly walked over and handed it to her. She took it gingerly, and I gave her a small smile.

"Look, we knew what was happening before everything went to complete shit. We stocked up and prepared ourselves. We started looting everything in the area, because people were just leaving. They weren't staying and trying to survive. They just left. So, we took and gathered. We survived," I had everyone's attention by the time I had stopped talking. Sam looked at me from over his book with intense eyes.

"So, how did you know how this was going to happen before it happened?" Lori asked and I was about to answer, before I heard a loud swoosh of wings behind me.

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