Here Comes The Savoir

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The days were hard, but the nights were quiet. It was like a continuous argument all day. We all fought over the stupidest things. Who was making breakfast? Who was patrolling? Who was taking a shower first? I mean we argued over everything.

"Rick, I won fuckin ask ya again. Where the hell di ya pu ma bow?" I could tell Daryl was starting to get frustrated. His accent was more prominent than usual.

"Daryl, you don't need it. Just let it go." Rick demanded but he sounded unusually tired. He shook his head and sighed.

Daryl finally realized his attempts to get Rick to tell him where his bow were pointless. He groaned loudly and walked away. I could hear him mumbling to himself until, I heard the familiar sound of a door slamming.

Rick turned to me and gave me an apologetic look, which I immediately waved away. I knew what it was like to be in charge. It was exhausting. Everyone expected you to have all the answers and to take care of everything. Well, guess what? Sometimes that just wasn't possible. We are only one person. I know we can't do everything alone. But, I would never admit that allowed. That's how you loose respect and in this day and age, that wasn't an option.

It had been about three weeks since everyone got here, and I could tell that Sam was already ready to explode. He avoided everyone and stayed in his room most of the time. The conflict was slowing getting to him. He was just sick and tired of it. But, so was I.

Sam and I looked about the same. Large bags and purple bruising under our eyes. Withered skin and what looked to be a permanent frown line, straight between our eyes. The lack of sleep was just getting utterly ridiculous. I could barely keep my eyes open most days, because no one seemed to shut the hell up or do what they are supposed to do. They all acted like a bunch of children. Well, you know what? When children are bad, they get punished.

I guess I just decided I had had enough, because within two seconds flat, I was standing on a chair in the middle of them room. The sound of bickering emitted around me, and I felt like I was gonna pull my hair out. I let out a loud groan and stuck two fingers in my mouth, whistling as loud as I could.

It took a good ten seconds before I had everyone's attention. They stared at me with curious looks. I went around the room individually glared at them. They were a tough group, I had to give them that, because only three of them cowered when I glared at them. And they were kids.

"Look, Sam and I are glad you're all here, as you probably already know. But, I feel like there is something we need to establish before tomorrow, because if we don't, I think I might go crazy. You need to stop bickering. There I said it. You need to get your head's out of your asses, quit bickering, and do what you're supposed to fucking do. I shouldn't need to remind you. I mean I don't know how ya'll survived before you found us. You argue about every little thing. It's horribly counterproductive and annoying. So, just stop. This is gonna be the only warning I give you guys, before I start cutting back privileges and start making you do more work around here. And if you feel like I'm treating you like a kid, good, because you're acting like kids. Now, shut the hell up, and we won't have any problems," I finished my short speech and let out a puff of air. It felt like a large weight had just been taken of my chest and it felt amazing.

I looked at the faces of everyone around me, and they all looked ashamed and embarrassed. No one talked they all looked at each other. Tension filled the air until a large flutter sounded around the room.

"Wow, Deanie, you really know how to clear a room. I haven't heard a room this quiet since I was hiding in a bomb shelter during The London Blitz," Gabriel grinned and scanned the room.

I glared at him and willed him to spontaneously combust. Unfortunately, none us of were that lucky. Gabriel threw his hands up in surrender and sneered at me.

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