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Rick's POV

A couple minutes earlier

We were behind the barrier, waiting for Dean to come back, when we heard the walkies go off. A loud piercing siren noise that only lasted a couple seconds, was all we need to know what was going on. The boys were in trouble.

I sighed and looked at the rest of the group. They seemed distraught and at a lose for words. "We can't just leave them to fend for themselves," I told the group. They shot me looks of disbelief and some of their mouths dropped open.

"Rick, we don't need to do anything for them, let them fight this one out for themselves. This is their fight, not ours. Besides, they're big boys, I'm sure they can fend for themselves," Carol said to me. The rest of the group stared at Carol, shocked.

I laughed coldly at her and shook my head. "I can't believe that you just said that. Let me just make something very clear. The minute we stepped foot in this bunker, we owed them. They have feed us, showered us, given us a place to sleep, and given us safety. All because they are just decent people. They haven't asked for anything except a leap of faith and loyalty. So far, we're completely failing the whole loyalty thing. So, we're going to march out from behind the barrier, and we're gonna find Sam and Dean. We're gonna save them, because they saved us. Okay?" I asked them and everyone but Carol, nodded.

"I still think this is a mistake, and we don't owe them anything," she said under her breath. Daryl pushed and gave her a dirty look.

"Keep yur stupid comments ta yurself," he said angrily and pushed past her, in search of Sam and Dean.

I ran down the hall to my room and told Lori it was me. She immediately scrambled to open the door. When she finally got the door open, she threw her arms around me. She held me there for what felt like forever, then let go.

"Is everyone okay? Are we safe?" she asked with worried eyes. I looked at the way her face sagged, and I watched the age lines on her face become more prominent. I took her face in my hands and smooth out the wrinkles between her eyes.

"I don't know if everyone's okay. Sam and Dean sounded the alert on the walkies. We can't find them. Do you know where they are?" I asked her. She shook her head, but then she remembered something.

"Dean did come looking for Sam about five minutes ago, I told him I didn't know where he was. I did hear the garage door open though, so they might be out there," she explained, and I looked down the hallway towards the door. It was slightly cracked.

I might have only known Dean for a day, but from what I've observed, he never leaves a door even barely open. Something was definitely wrong.

I looked back to Lori, and she could see the fear in my eyes. She nodded slightly, knowing exactly what I was going to do. She gave me a hard and powerful kiss before she closed the door. I listened till I couldn't hear furniture moving around anymore, then I went back into the main room. Then, I called everyone back on the walkies. And within a minute, everyone was in the main room.

"Sam and Dean are in trouble. I'm pretty sure they're in the garage. So, I want half of us to go around the front where the garage roll up is, and the other half to go through the garage door. We need to find out what's going on. Arm yourselves and be ready for whatever's out there. Don't go through the door till I signal you on the walkie. Everyone got it?" They nodded frantically. "Good. Glenn, T-Dog, Hershel, Beth will go through the garage door. The rest of you will go with me through the garage roll up. Okay, go," I said and walked towards the front door.

I waited till I couldn't see the other group anymore, and then I slowly started to inch the front door open. I poked my head out, and I couldn't see or hear anything. I checked both ways, and then I gestured for the rest of them to follow.

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