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"Thanks, Sam," I said and grabbed the beer from him.

Sam gave me a small smile and sighed. He set down his beer and gave me a really serious face. "Look, I don't need an explanation. I don't need to know who that girl is. I just need to know if you're going to be alright," Sam said.

I shook my head and took another swig of beer. "I don't know. I promised myself I would never think about her again. You can see why that's now a bit of a complication," I put down my now empty beer and ran a shaking hand through my hair.

Sam slowly nodded his head and closed his eyes. "Well, I can't help you when you won't let me. So, what do you need?" Sam asked me honestly.

I shrugged. "I just need to stop thinking about her. I can't go through what I went through with her, again," I said with my head down. I heard Sam get up, and he walked away. I heard him come back in a minute later. He tapped on my back, and I looked up at him. He held another beer in his hand, and I grabbed it greedily. I popped the cap and was about to take a drink, when I heard a large pair of wings flapping behind me.

I sighed and turned around. I watched Cas sway, and then fall over. I exchanged a look with Sam, and we ran over to him. We grabbed his arms and dragged him over to the couch. When we got him on the couch, I shook him. "Cas," I said, worryingly. No response.

"What the hell do you think happened to him?" Sam asked. I shook my head. "I don't know. There's no marks, no blood, nothing. But he's burning up. Can angels even get fevers?" I said while I examined him.

Cas groaned softly and mumbled something. I bent down closer, to hear him better. "Come on, Cas, speak up. We're not all celestial beings with amazing hearing," I whispered to him. He chuckled softly and opened his eyes slowly.

"Get me to the nearest church," Cas whispered and drifted back to sleep. I looked at Sam, and he looked really confused. I looked back at Cas and blinked a couple times.

"Did he just tell you to get him to the nearest church?" Sam asked while looked at Cas. I nodded and finally gathered my surroundings. I knew what we needed to do. I wrapped an arm back around his waist and hosted him up. Sam gave me a look of disbelief.

"You can't be serious? You actually want to take him to the nearest church?" Sam said and watched as I struggled with all of Cas's weight. I panted and gave him a look of annoyance.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you gonna help me?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed Cas's other side.

We walked up the stairs of the bunker and out the door. I leaned Cas against the car and unlocked her. I started the engine and looked around. I got a really strange feeling. I shook it off, which was not smart. When you're a hunter, you should always trust your instincts. It's about the only thing that keep you alive.

I walked back over to Sam and helped him get Cas in the backseat. We got in the front and closed our doors. I pulled away without a word and started down the street.

"So, what do you think all of this is about?" I asked Sam. He looked at me and breathed heavily. "Probably just some fucked up angel stuff. I mean he is asking us to take him to a church, after all," Sam said as he stared out the window.

I could hear something on the radio and a couple words caught my attention. "Hey, can you turn that up?" I asked Sam. He looked at the radio and turned it up.

A loud man's voice came on. The couple's disappearance was a mystery until they were found earlier today, on the side of the road. Both victims had a bullet wound in the front of their head. Upon further inspection of the victims the coroner has confirmed that they didn't die from the bullet wounds. These victims were two of the bodies that went missing from Saint Mary's Hospital's morgue. The coroner states that about an hour after the male victim passed away, both bodies were gone. They both passed away this week, from a terrible flu. The coroner has confirmed that the victims finally died of an extremely high fever.

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