- - Open letter, published in The Brightling Parish Quarterly - -

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An open letter to the events licensing department at Weald District Council

Dear Sirs/ Madams,

We, as representatives of the people of Brightling village, wish to express our utter dismay at the granting of a license to the organisers of the Earth Mother Festival.

As upstanding, trustworthy, and respected members of the Weald community, we feel personally aggrieved that such a decision was made, despite multiple objections.

Could the licensing department please enlighten us, as to why, after so many problems in the past few years, they think it is a good idea for such an event to take place?

As a small community, we are not in a position to deal with the huge influx of people, many of whom live a nomadic lifestyle. These people pay no taxes, nor do they contribute to our local area. Their vehicles are dangerous, and their attitude towards our community is one of blatant disregard.

Once again, good local people will be required to clear up the mess left behind by these festival-goers.

We call on you to rethink your decision.

The Brightling Community Action Group

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