Chapter 1 - The First Move.

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Once we joined we will had to talk about our next move so we all hid far from the others.

"So what now?" I asked

"We cant just make a move yet, we still need to blend in" Said Reiner.

"Huh? Why not?" I said "We have waited to long!"

"Keep your voice down" Bertholdt said

"Right. Sorry." I said.

"Let's get going we have to line up" Annie said.

They lined up and introduced them selves. It was our turn.
"My name is (y/n)! and I come from Rose of the wall!" I just coppied Bertholdt.

If I'm being honest, I dont like this place at all. It's nothing like our real home.

It was dinner time I was sitting alone waiting for someone to sit next to me.

"Hey," I heard someone say to my left. It was Bertholdt "Why are you sitting alone?" He asked.

"Well I was waiting for someone I guess, but your where now" I smiled up at him

"well I'm also here now" I look to my right it was Reiner."Now you aren't so alone."

"wheres Annie?" I asked while eating

"shes busy at the moment listening to the commanders conversations" Renier said

"Let's hope she doesn't get caught." I said.

A few minutes has passed and Annie sat down with us.

"Anything?" Asked Reiner

"Nothing. Just sasha getting punished." Annie replied while eating

We continued talking about what we waited to do next. Soon we all went our cabins and went to bed.

It was still dark and I heard a light tapping outside the window of the cabin. I'm a light sleeper I knew it wasnt just some prank from the other boys. That tapping rythm was either Reiner or Bertholdt.

I got out of bed, should I wake up annie.? I'll check it out first.
I walk outside and I get instantly pulled by my arm, I thought I was getting attacked so I try to fight back.

"hey hey, calm down, it's me" said Reiner

it's Reiner. I calmed down, but what does he want at this time.

"follow me." He said

"where are we going?" I asked

"Dont worry about it, we will be there soon." He replied

The walk was long but it seems like we made it. It was a beautiful sight. The moon shines Its light at the lake. Makes the lake look amazing. Beautiful for sore eyes like his.

"so why did you bring me here, Reiner?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep and well Bertholdt was asleep and I was hoping one of you where awake, so I knocked on the window," he replied "I didn't wake you did..I.?"

"Oh yes, you did-" I got cut off

"I'm so sorry." He apologized

Its honestly so weird to see his soft side of him. We talked for a while and walked back to the cabins.

"That, thank you for taking me there..reiner.." I told him.

"if you ever want to do it again we can." he replied

Soon he pulled my close by the waist our lips were very close..

"REINER." Bertholdt shouted "I..I mean..Reiner. What are you..two doing out here?"

"We just went out for a walk what are you doing out here, bertholdt." Reiner asked

"I just woke up and I saw you out of bed. So my first thought was you were outside." Said bertholdt

there was a long pause between them.

" well, I think I'll be heading inside, the sunrise will come up soon." I said.

"right, see you soon." Said bertholdt. Bertholdt and Reiner walked back inside. Reiner looks back at me and gives me a wink I have a slight that fades very quick.

Was that. The first move.?

Bertholdt x Reader x ReinerWhere stories live. Discover now