Chapter 4 - Count downs.

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3 days untill the plan

We finally have a plan we have to be quiet about it. The day is long we dont have much to do on our free time. I guess we could train out fighting skills.

I walk with Annie to the fighting ring. It's big, I'm guessing its for more than one person. Once me and Annime start training others gather around and practice. I liked it when it was just the two of us..

Bertholdt and Reiner show up as well. I lost focus and get hit by Annie. I get knocked back and fall down.

"Oh, sorry" Annie says while giving me a hand up

I take her hand and stand up.

"Thanks" I feel embarrassed now..

Reiner walks up to Annie "Why dont you fight me, Annie?"

I already know hes going to lose..

"Hey would you like to train with me?" Bertholdt asks, I agree.

I was fighting Bertholdt but his long legs accidentally trip me.
I think it was an accident.

"oh, I'm sorry." Bertholdt apologizes

"no,no its fine," I say getting up "its apart of training."

"here try punching me," says bertholdt "I'll dodge it."

I start swinging trying to hit him, he keeps dodging all of my moves. I'm getting tired, I just got slower, I feel dizzy as well.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I'm alright, it's just tiring and my arms hurt now," I say "Its also hot."

"take a break." he says

I nod and sit down on the floor. He sits next to me. Annie hits Reiner making him fall backwards on the floor.

"Tch, you're just a girl," Rener says getting up "I went easy on you."

"Treat me like a man when fighting me then." Annie says

"Right," Reiner says "What are you two doing?" He looks at the both of us

"we're resting," Says bertholdt "(y/n) felt dizzy"

"I'll get some water for us then," Says reiner "I'll be right back."

Annie sits next to Bertholdt

"Its rare to see you rest," Says bertholdt "when was the last time you took a rest from training?"

you listen to Annie and Bertholdt talk. This heat is getting to your head.You feel liek passing out right now. I dont want them to worry.

"I'm back," says Reiner "(y/n)? (y/n)? are you alright?"

You look up at Reiner but you dont say a word. Everything is so blurry. It's to hot. Maybe Erwin was right. why did I even make it to the top 10. I cant- Why do i care. I dont belong here, This isnt my home. Why am I even here in the Survey Corps. The Mission that's why. I'm a soldier from home, not here.

"(y/n)?" says bertholdt "Let's go inside, it's to hot out here."

I need to stop overthinking. I hate it when they worry about me.

"(y/n) its alright I'm taking you inside and I have water" Says Reiner.

"What about the others?" I ask.

"They are outside" says Reiner, "don't worry."

I was in Reiner's arms and he set me down on my bed.

"Reiner, I'm sorry for making you guys worry," I say "I'm just home sick I hate being here I wanna go back to the island."

"I understand," Reiner says "I want to go home too, I'm sure Annie and Bertholdt do too."

"Reiner, when can we go home." I look up at him.

"soon." He replies.

It was silent at first but then he pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss him back and he breaks the kiss. That kiss only last a second.

"Im sorry" he says

"why are you apologizing?" I ask

"You probably didnt want to kiss me." He says

"no, no, it's fine." I say and smile "That was my first kiss."

"It was? I'm very sorry." he says "I get you wanted it with someone special."

"Reiner, you are someone special I've known you for a long time." I say smiling

he smile "rest well (y/n)." he stands up and walks out


It was dinner time I wake up and walk out. I walk to the cafeteria. I see everyone having dinner. I look around I see Annie and Marco, I dont see Reiner or Bertholdt. I grab my dinner and walk towards them.

"Oh hi (y/n)!" Marco says, "do you know where Reiner and  Bertholdt are?"

"no I dont, I thought you would" I say.

"They went looking for you to call you for dinner, I'm guessing they took the wrong path." Annie says

"when?" I ask.

"I say like 10 mins ago?" Marco says


"I hope we aren't lost Reiner." Bertholdt says

"ofcourse not," Reniner says " I know my way."

"we should have brought a light," Says Bertholdt "I dont see any houses or cabins."

"your right." says reiner

"they probably got lost." I say

"lets hope they get back soon" says Marco

"so do i," says annie " they are very important."

I nod as I eat

"reiner, I think we went in a circle." Bertholdt says

"no, let's just keep going straight" says Reiner

"alright," Bertholdt says "I'll leave a mark here some can keep track"


"I think we should look for them" I say

"nah, I'm sure they will be back I say" says Marco "they're strong"


"we made a full circle Reiner." Says Bertholdt

"no it just looks similar" says Reiner

"if you say so." Bertholdt says worried.


"yeah see you tomorrow marco!" I say "let's go Annie." she nods "I'm sure they will be back soon." I tell annie

"Reiner! we went in a circle so many times!" Bertholdt shouts

"Fine we will go your way then" says Reiner

Berthold grabs reiner by the arm and leads him a diffrent way

"Look lights!" shouts Bertholdt running that direction

"oh it looks like they are all going to bed," says Reiner "let's go in before we get caught."

Bertholdt nods

Bertholdt and Reiner runs tword  the cabins "oh its (y/n)"  says Bertholdt

"(y/n)!" Reiner says

"oh there you two are!" I say

They explained to me what happend, I was listening and laughing the whole time. we talked for hours talking about diffrent things. I fell asleep on Reiners shoulder.Im guessing they took me to bed because I woke up in the cabin.

2 days untill the plan

It was day, just 2 days left. I was very nervous

It's like we did the same thing everyday. Ate, trained, ate, trained, dinner, relaxed. Free time was the only time we didnt know what to do but talk about the plan. The days went by very fast.

Bertholdt x Reader x ReinerWhere stories live. Discover now