chapter 3 - second chance.

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Reiner took me thr the commander while Bertholt and Annie ate lunch.

"Why does he need me?" I ask. Noting but silence " Reiner?"
he looks annoyed.

Should I say someting? Should I not.? "we're here" he says.

I walk in and I see Commander Erwin and Instructor Shadis
I domt see captain Levi, he might be with the others.

"You wanted to see me sir?-" I get cut off

"are really up for it.?" Ewin asks

"What do you mean sir?" I ask

"You fainted it's obvious you aren't up for it." Ewin says "what if you're attacking a titan and you faint. You can die out there."

I turn around to see if Reiner is there. He isnt.

"Wheres (y/n)?" Bertholdt asks

"With commander Ewin." Reiner says

"Oh I see. Did you convince them?-" asks Bertholdt

"Tch, can you shut up and stop asking for (y/n)!?" Reiner shouts

The whole room is silent, they're looking at Reiner and Bertholdt. They look away and continue talking Reiner calms down and eats

"I'm sorry" says Reiner

"No, no it's fine. I understand" Says Bertholdt

"I worry about them too." Says Reiner

"hey guys!" Marco waves and sits next to them

..Bertholdt has a face of please go away.

..Annie has a face of Go away.

Reiner has a face of Fuck off.

"Um well. wheres (y/n?)" Marco asks

"They're busy, I hope they will come back soon." Reiner says

"Oh well. Mind if I sit with you??" Marco says smiling

"n-" Reiner gets cut off by Bertholdt "Of course."

Reiner looks at Bertholdt.

"sir I know I belong here. Plus I was just stress thinking about something important." I say

"And what can be more important than training at saving the people inside the walls?" Intructor Shaids Asks

I say nothing.

"No I understand. You're scared" Says Erwin

I look up at him "Yes sir. I am, And I'm sure many others here are as well."

"I give you one chance to make it up for what you did." Says Erwin

"Thank you sir." I say

"You are free to go." Says Erwin

I walk to the cafeteria. Do I want to open the door. What if they make fun of me again. Overthinking makes me faint. The door opens I see Marco

"Oh (y/n)! it's nice to see you again!" Marco shouts

Everyone is looking at me suprised and happy. I don't understand these people, they dont even know me well and they still care. Marco pulls me in. I see Bertholdt he looks relief. Reiner has a smile on his face. Annie. looks the same-
Marco takes me to the table with the others.

"I'll be right back!" Marco says as he walks away.

"So what happend?" Reiner asks

"I thought you would stay with me." I say "But they said they will give me another chance."

"Well that's good, right?" Bertholdt says

I nod "I just hope I dont mess up."

"Well I'm just glad that you're okay now" Reiner says "now, bertholdt why where you so silent earlier.? If you dont mind me asking."

"I was just very worried about you two," Bertholdt says "I thought you guys got hurt or someting." He looks down

Reiner looks at me. I look back at him, I could tell I was blushing. I look away. Bertholdt looks at us, He looked upset.
What happend between us three.

It was night we where going to bed Berthold pulls my ar, before I walk inside my cabin. I never realized how tall he is. I'm up to his chest.

"I-Im sorry." He let's go

"No no it's fine, do you need anything?" I ask

"Well- no. I just. wanted to tell you good night (y/n)" he says

"Thank you bertholdt" I smile "Can you get close I need to tell you something important."

"oh, sure." he gets closer down to tour hight. "what is it you have to say-"

you kiss his forehead. He stands up quick

" (y/n)!" hes blushing hard, hes in shock.

I laugh

Reiner was by the door looking from a far. He walks inside. Bertholdt smiles and waves as he walks away to the cabins.

why did I do it. I dont know.

I walk in the cabin blushing inget neck side hugged by sasha "ooooo" she says. "you and tall tree man"

She was talking about bertholdt. I blush even more. I go to bed getting teased while I think about Reiner and Bertholdt.

It was day time we get ready, we have breakfast and go do training we have free time for the rest of the day. The four of us move away from the others.

"we need to break the wall." Reiner say looking at Bertholdt

"now..?" I ask "what about when we have that free full day? no one will be prepared"

"that does sound like a better idea." Annie agrees with me, that good.

Then I guess we finally have a plan. Its also the day I can prove my self im- no. I shouldn't be be motivated to prove my self. I dont belong here. none of us do.

Bertholdt x Reader x ReinerWhere stories live. Discover now