Chapter 2 - Apologize.

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It was day time Bertholdt, Reiner and I all looked like we didnt get sleep. We didnt. We all are eating breakfast not saying a word.

"Are you four alright? " someone asked. I look up to see a boy he had some adorable freckles. "I'm sorry my name is, Marco!"

"oh well hello, Marco." I say

"You four are usually talkative from what I saw yesterday,"
he sat next to us

"well I guess we all are just to tired to talk today" Reiner says.

"well I hope I'm not a bother!" Marco says.

"No you're just fine" I said.

"that's a relief" Marco says, "So um, what's your names?"

"Oh right sorry. I'm Reiner, The tall one is Bertholdt, the blond one is Annie an-" Reiner says before he gets cut off.

"I'm (y/n)" you say.

"that a pretty name honestly, it really fits you" Marco says

Bertholdt and Reiner give a glare to Marco, but Marco ignores it.

"TCH, GAH!- DAMN IT HORSE FACE" Eren yells at Jean

"Oh, it looks like Jean needs me" Marco says " it was nice talking to you guys see you around!" he says walking away

"I don't like that guy." Reiner says "he talks to much."

"I can agree with you for once" Annie says

Bertholdt nods.

Breakfast was over. You walk up to Bertholdt.

"Hey, bertholdt everything alright?"You ask

"yes I'm fine, I'm sorry if I'm being rude." he says

"ah no no its alright, if you ever need someone to talk to know, I'm here for you." You say

"Sorry, I just need time alone and I dont need help, but thanks." He walks away

"Is every thing alright?" Its Reiner

"I guess so, hes just diffrent this morning, and very cold." I replied

"He will get better soon"  Reiner says putting my his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so." I say

We were all training learned new and diffrent things. I couldn't stop thinking about him, I wanna say sorry I wanna know if I did something wrong. its to hot..I need a break

I fainted

who knows what time it is. How long have I been asleep for. Bertholdt.? and.. Marco? I look around I dont see Reiner.

"Ah, look they're awake-" Marco says.

Bertholdt quickly looks up at me "Hey you alright?!" he seems worried.
I'm not saying anything to him why I wanna tell him I'm sorry.

"Can they talk?" Marco asks

I look at Marco "yeah I can. sorry I just needed time to process." I say.

"That's good" Bertholdt says he sighs in relief

"..Marco..can I be alone with Bertholdt for a while. I need to talk to him." I tell him

"oh, sure" Marco says as he gets up

Bertholdt looks at me concerned and Marco leaves

"Wheres Reiner.?" I ask

"hes talking to the commander convincing him to let you stay." Bertholdt replies

"oh I see. Be-" I get cut off

"Y/n No, I'm sorry. Last night has been bothering me." He says
"just I got upset seeing you two together I was very. worried. I thought I lost you two. and I was afraid Reiner hurt you or. something."

"Oh bertholdt. I'm sorry about that.." I say

He looks like hes about to cry hes holding it back. "I just. csnt lose you..or. reiner." I see him crying

I cup his face wiping his tear off his face. "You wont lose us we're strong."

he nods

"Marco? wheres Bertholdt? and Y/n??" Annie says

"They are still In the room they ssid they needed time alone" Marco replies

"what!? how long?" Reiner says

"well I left the room..talked to others..ate for a while.." Marco says

"That's to long-" Reiner starts to run to the room

"thank you for staying with me, Bertholdt and I'm glad you talked to me about it." I say

you two smile.

Reiner walks slamming the door open

"R-Reiner" Bertholdt looks up at him "what did the commander say?"

"First you tell me what did you two while Marco left." Reiner grips Bertholdt's shirt.

"Reiner calm down we just talked is all." I stand up and say

"tch." He let's go of bertholdt and bertholdt stands up straight again "sorry."

"Its fine. I understand." Bertholdt says

"If you're feeling better the commander wants to see you y/n." Reiner says

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