Chapter 8 - Female Titan.

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"You two," Says captin Levi "Why arent you brats cleaning?"

"I could ask the same thing." I say

Bertholdt looks worried and shocked

"Tch, you brat" Levi says walking towards me

I regreated what I said.

He gives me a dead stare. I get chills. hes only a few inches shorter than me. He could tell I was scared. He turns around.

"Just clean this place up it's a mess." He says walking out

"Why would you say that?-" Bertholdt asks

"I dont know why but I know not to say it again." I say

"Let's go down" He says "I'm sure others are waiting."

I nod


It was the next day and we where ready to go outside this wall. Some looked worried some looked excited. especially Eren..

We all go in formation as we learned yesterday. We go outside the wall in formation, I'm with Armin, The right side of formation. If I'm being honest Armin is. a smart but gives me bad vibes.

The mission was going well u till black smoke appeared. An abnormal titan. These bastards are annoying and useless. Unless its Annie..

We talked about this plan before we choose what we wanted to be. The only reason shes in the MP so she can just help us out.
But we didnt say when so I'm guessing its today.

But I guess this is fine most of us are together. let's hope we don't get killed today. I trust her with this.


Soon we made it to a forest. We had to get on trees. I see Reiner and Bertholdt. Titans trying to get us. They're stupid. Very.

I wonder how Annie is doing.

"FIRE!" tells Erwin

"Is it cannon fire?" Jean asks

"I sont think they brought cannons" Says Armin "Its probable something else for that female titan"

Bertholdt looked very worried. Titans are learning to climb. All of a sudden we hear a roar. A titan roar. loud, Annie's titan cry.

Titans come from all angle. what's annie up to. what is she doing.


Soon we saw a blue flare. The mission was over? I guess so

"I think they found the identity of the female titan" Says Armin

"Hopefully.." says Reiner

Did he really mean that..I dont think so.

We go back down to our horses waiting for another signal to go. Soon we we saw a flash of light. Must be Annie, Another one flashes. That must be Eren.

Anything can be going on. Worst thing can be her getting caught. Maybe she did. No she strong and quick she couldnt have.

I can hear Erens titan. loud, very loud and annoying. If I can help Annie. This sucks.


Soon another signal went off. We're leaving now, as we where leaving we went in formation again.

I see the wagon and how close it is. Many dead comrades, not enough. Soon we started heading back home.

It was a slow ride due to all the bodies. soon two 17 meter titans showed up. We tried to go faster but the bodies where slowing us down.

They dropped bodies one by one to go faster. A shame honestly.

All of the bodies where dropped off and we made it home. Everyone was angry at us for the deaths. Annie did someting good today let's hope shes okay.


we are all eating in the cafeteria its silent in our table

"Hey guys," its Marco "are you all okay?"

"oh hey Marco," I say "yeah I'm sure we are alright."

"was that uh.." He says "Annie?" He whispers

I nod at Marco, he looks shocked.

"But, why do you gusy need e-" Marco gets cut off

"Shut it-" I say "please. we will talk about this later"

He looks down

"So what's going on with you and Jean?" Reiner asks

"Ah?" Marco blushes " what are you talking about?"

"its pretty obvious" I say smiling

Marco turns red "I-" He froze

I smile even bigger "I'm sure Jean likes him too"


It was dark I was in my own room for once in a long while. I heard a knock on my door it could be anyone really.

I walk up to the door and open it, Its Marco.

"(y/n)" he says "could do u mind if we talk for a while I'm hot really tired and I thought talking to a friend would make me tired"

"oh" I say "well sure, i still have to talk to you about Annie anyways"

" Thanks" he says

"no problem" I say letting him in

After a while we start talking I soon fall asleep it was early the sun just went down. Marco gets up and opens the door

"..." Marco is scared "heeey"

Bertholdt looks shocked but also confused wondering why hes here

"what are you doing here." Bertholdt asks

"I was ah well helping then" says Marco "sleep?"

Bertholdt face turned to anger. Marco just walks away. Bertholdt looks at us the. shuts the door walking away to his room

Its morning we have to go to a place near wall Rose after breakfast. Some of us are going in the more inner wall. They have a plan I know it. but what is the plan.

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