gone (2)

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TW: fire and mention of death

Since that day Phil and his wife got into a huge argument which ended in her leaving with wilbur and tommy. techno and phil left to rule the antarctic empire without the two princes. With the loss of the two princes the kingdom suffered greatly. Many search party's were sent out to try and find the young princes sadly to no avail. Tommy was only 3 and wilbur was 6 when they where taken. Techno would lock himself in his room for days on end only coming out for food and sword training. Overall he missed his twin and younger brother more than anything. Although Phil was extremely devastated by his recent missing sons. He knew the kingdom needed a stable king so he decided to try and forget about the lost princes and focus on running the kingdom.

meanwhile with tommy and wilbur..

(2 years after they where taken)
their mother would always try her best to protect the boys. She would allow them to wonder around the town as long as they stuck together. Their mother wasn't around a whole lot during the day. She worked on a ship eventually taking full ownership of the boat once her friend retired to look after her own kids. This meant Wilbur was the one to look after Tommy he would play with him make sure that he had a decent childhood. Even during one of his early clingy hybrid fazes Wilbur allowed Tommy to cling to him during the time. They both would ask about their father and their mother always dismissed it or changed to subject. One particularly quiet night when their mother was on a week long trip on the boat. They heard trots of what sounded like horses which was weird for where they lived. Tommy and Wilbur lived in a small quiet village. It wasn't too close to the main village but it wasn't too far away either. The horses started to get louder mixed with the muffled screams of a few of the neighbours. Then there came a loud knock on the door it sounded more like someone was trying to breakdown the door.

"GET OUT QUICKLY" the door suddenly sung open Wilbur and tommy immediately recognised the person it was their neighbour.

"N-Niki what's going on!" Wilbur stuttered dragging Tommy by the arm towards the door. Niki was always a lovely neighbour she owned a bakery downtown and would often sneak them snacks through the windows.

"no time to explain come in we need to leave now!"

They rushed outside and a wave of smoke filled their lungs as they ran through the burning village. As they where running they could hear the screams of many people who had once lived in this village.

"THIS WAY!" Niki screamed as Wilbur followed behind. They ran down a ally way leading towards a forest. Everything was on fire. Their neighbourhood was pretty small meaning mostly all of the neighbour's knew each other. They were like a second family. It hurt right to the core of them to see their home, their family engulfed in flames. After what had seemed like forever they reached a lake a safe distance away from the village and finally stopped to catch their breaths.

"Niki what was that!! Thank god we got out Tommy could have gotten hurt- TOMMY WHERES TOMMY??"

"he- he was following us wasn't he!"

They both started to panic trying to remember which way they came from during all the chaos.




Where had everyone gone? Tommy shouted throughout the town barely being heard over the screams of people taking their final breaths.

"make sure there are NO and i repeat NO SURVIVORS we can't have them know it was us GOT IT" a man shouted as Tommy quickly ducked behind a knocked over barrel from a stall near by.

"yes sir" the other man took of on a horse

'i need to get out of here. fast.'

wassup :) part 2 donee
btw anything in '__' or like this means a thought/ flashback just so you know

what do you think tommy is gonna do?

i hope this book is okay and makes sense also if there is ever spelling mistakes ect please tell me


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