a bit of fun cant hurt (12)

418 13 8

Tommy pov

"You got this Ranboob, if it gets too much just teleport back" Tubbo waved as Ranboo walked past the royal gates.

"so... what do we do now?" I ask

"why don't we have some fun"

oh god

Techno pov

All of the new trial guards start to come in. Glancing around at the various different hybrids I couldn't help but notice some in particular. There was a rather tall multi coloured enderman who caught my eye. He looked young but also very tall. Another person who caught me eye was a person with a green hood and his iconic smiley mask. easily recognisable.

"Dream? why are you here?"

"What does it look like Prince Blade" He replied sarcastically bowing. "It'll be cool to be a guard also why not"

"I guess that fair. Plus quit with the bowing or you are definitely not becoming a guard, that's for sure."

He chuckled and turned back to go speak with other trial guards.

"Wait!-" He turned back raising an eyebrow "Is Wilbur alright from last night? I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah he's alright. Just a bit of a sensitive topic. Well i'll leave you to your 'prince' duties" He turned back around and started up a new conversation with one of the other newbies.

I glance back over to the rest of the people scattered around the room in various little groups expect for the enderman hybrid. He was just standing close to the entrance anxiously. Probably just nervous I mean it is a job 'interview' i guess.

"Attention" Phil entered the room immediately quieting the crowd of potential guards "So as i have been informed, all of you have been specifically chosen from your application submitted. Now we have a brief idea of what you can do, we will be splitting you all up in groups and you will be given a practical test"

Ranboo Pov

oh no oh no oh no

I was panicking. Neither Tommy, Tubbo or I knew how to read or write so during the application process I had brought the sheet with me to the local library where the librarian who worked there, helped me write it. He was always so nice to us three he actually taught me the basics of reading! I still don't know most of it but at least i'm getting there. So ultimately I had no idea what he had wrote on the application but I hoped it wasn't something I couldn't actually do. Even though he did read it out loud to me a lot of the words were too big for me to understand so i just agreed.

"I will read out a list of names. As i'm saying your names I will stay the number of the group. Once your name is called make your way to the area dedicated to your group. Shall we get started?" As phil finished everyone in the room agreed some more enthusiastic than others.

He started to read through the names as people started to make their ways to their dedicated groups

"Dream, Group 3"

"Mars, Group 2"

As he continued I got more nervous by the second 'what if i fail? what if i'm not good enough? what if? what if?'

"Ranboo, Group 3"

I stiffen up by the sound of my name being read and nervously make my way to where a few other people where chatting. One of the people turn to wave at me as I came to stand near them.

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