caught (14)

371 12 1

tw: mention of blood and imprisonment

Tommy pov

WHAT IS RANBOO DOING! he was supposed to be on my side why is he helping them. He grips my shoulder sending a shock of pain though my body. Even though these guards are apparently trial guards they definitely know how to use weapons. When the man pinned me down I landed on my right arm with the impact I may have bruised it. Never mind. Definitely broken. Ranboo made eye contact before everything flashed. It felt like a million tiny lights spinning around me in a void. The lights where mainly purple and seemed to be exited by their movements dancing around me. I could hear a muffled voice. Well. Voices. It wasn't quite clear what they were saying but it sounded like chanting. The only word I could make out, 'beloved'.

It made me nauseous. No wonder Ranboo doesn't teleport often. Just as soon as it started it ended though the world was still spinning. I could tell we were somewhere, presumably the castle.

"RANBOO WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" I shout tumbling down to my knees trying to focus my eyes in attempt to make the spinning stop.

"What do you mean? You have teleported with me before how is this any different" Ranboo chuckles

"But there was- you know what, never mind." I glare up to the castle and back to Ranboo who is stood more uncomfortably now. 'What will they do to me? hopefully they will let me free? who am I kidding of course they won't. There gonna put me in some prison.' I was brought out of my thoughts by Ranboos grip on my wrists. I follow his stare back to see they other three guards pacing towards us. I look back at Ranboo who has guilt and regret plastered all over his face covered by fake pride.

"Ranboo! I knew you could do it! Now we just have to get this child to the cells" A girl smiled.

"I'm not a fucking child" I growled back

"sure you're not"

"i'm not."

The girl just hummed in response.

"I still don't see why they need him alive. I mean it would be so much easier if he wasn't, y'know?" A man with a green smiley face grinned jokingly. Ranboo stiffened, squeezing my wrists protectively.

"Kings orders." Ranboo replied bitterly quickly replaced it with a light hearted tone.

"Besides Dream, what fun would he be if he was dead" I hissed as a man in a white cloak chuckled and flicked my forehead.

"If you guys are done bickering, I would like to get this job over with"

"Why? do you not like us Hannah?" 'Dream' said mockingly. He grabbed the corner of my shirt and pulled me up off the ground, practically dragging me to the castle entrance.

'wow it bigger than I thought' I look up to the two symmetrical doors towering over me. It looked like it was made for giants or just Ranboo. This might be the last time I see the outside. It all depends on what there gonna do to me. Maybe they will take pity on me? Who am I kidding, it's the king! Why would they pitty some poor orphan.

They drag me through the doors passing a particularly large room on our way to the cells or at least that's where i think we're going. Ranboo and the other two dickheads follow behind. Ranboo occasionally giving me sympathetic looks. We pass a few other guards on our way but they barely acknowledge us but instead turn a blind eye to the whole situation. Amazing protection am i right? They drag me down a flight of stairs throwing me into a dark room with a single lantern, A slap of metal with a thin torn up sheet on top. Stumbling down to the cold ground i notice some red paint spattered on the side of the walls but with further inspection it was indeed not paint. I turn back around to face the people who threw me in to see 'Dream' locking the door. The women of the group. -I think they said her name was Hannah?- kneeled down to my level on the floor.

"Hey kid, Don't worry hopefully you won't be in here long. We just need to arrange a time for you to speak with the king before he decides what to do with you. I'm sure he wouldn't be super harsh though. But for now just stay here!" Hannah smiled standing back up to her normal height. Of course i'm going to stay here it's not like there's anywhere else to go. Dream scoffed at Hannah walking back up the stairs muttering something under his breath.

"'Not long' yeah right he'll be lucky to get out in a year"

Tubbo pov

no. no. no. NO. NO! NO!! This can't be happening. ITS ALL MY FAULT!! If only i wouldn't have told him to do that maybe he wouldn't have been caught.

I flee the markets on my way back to our home. I couldn't help but have this cloud of guilt and sorrow looming over me, watching my every move. wait.. RANBOO! He works at the castle now right? He can help rescue Tommy.

We need to get him back not matter the cost.

okay so next week i will be giving y'all a christmas special then i am probably going to take a break. there will still be chapters just probably now weekly!

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