the battle dome (7)

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"Dream where are you going" Wilbur asks sitting on the couch peering over to the front door where Dream is about to walk out of.

"oh uh a battle dome happening tonight i was gonna go with sapnap. You can come watch if you want it's only for like 2 hours?" Dream replied now leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah sure i got nothin' planned" Wilbur shrugged following Dream out the door.

Wilbur was 11 now and Dream was 14, Puffy and Niki both agreed that they could go out in the town but they had to be home by sun down. Which they both liked that since they could basically spend the whole day out with friends.

"Dream! oh hi Wilbur you coming too?" Sapnap ran up to them holding a small backpack on his back.

"Yeah he decided to tag along. We better hurry we need time to prepare" Dream started to run down into the town followed by Wilbur and Sapnap.

Wilbur pov

'what did Dream mean by prepare i though we we're just watching?!' Wilburs thoughts were cut short by Dream who stopped i front of a relatively large building. I could see him mentally prepare himself as he stepped inside a few people turned their heads as we walked though the door mainly eyeing me as a shuffle closely behind Dream.

"This way." He gestures towards a stairway down to what looked like a training area.

"I though we we're just going to watch?" I ask hesitating following Dream any further. He looks back and scoffs

"I said you can watch i am going to fight" He says turning and walking down the stairs. Sapnap hesitates then turns to me.

"Don't worry i'm not fighting either i just brought the med kit in case someone gets seriously hurt" Sapnap says gesturing to his backpack "I will be watching from the sidelines it's a bit closer to the fight but you can come and chill with me" He says taking my wrist and leading me down the stairs to see Dream chatting with a man in a royal gown who looked to be a pig hybrid. He looked over to me and Sapnap for a split second and made eye contact with me. I almost immediately look away and draw my attention back to Sapnap who drags me over to a bench near the arena.

"uh who was Dream talking to?" I ask slouching back into the bench

"Yeah that's Techno he's a regular here Dream and him are like rivals it's kinda funny" He chuckles unpacking some of the equipment from his bag

"But why was he wearing a royal gown?" I question sitting a bit.

"He's actually a prince although he doesn't act like it" Sapnap shrugs

"oh? i would have never guessed" I chuckle relaxing a bit but still in a bit of shock that Techno was a actual prince. The name sounds extremely familiar but i can't quite put my finger on it. I'm sure it's just because he's royalty i have probably heard his name from someone talking about him. I internally shrugged and started helping Sapnap unpack the medical equipment that had been stuffed into the small bag he had.

Techno pov

I saw Sapnap drag someone downstairs we made eye contact for a split second and the voices when absolutely wild.


NOOO don't hurt him or i will hurt you.



why is sapnap kidnapping someone-?

heheh E

"Hey Dream why is Sapnap kidnapping a new guy?" Dream just chuckled

"That's my brother he's just here to watch"

"Foolish?" Dream only had one brother that i knew of so why has he never mentioned him before?

"Oh no that's Wilbur. He and Niki came to live with us about 3 years ago. Well enough with the chat i gotta get ready, still up for that fight later?"

"Oh yeah sure" I watched as he walked away to the training area and i was left in a empty room with nothing but the voices in my head to keep me company.

Wilbur huh? sus



is it that wilbur??

guys it obviously not wilbur wilbur.


I sighed and tried not to listen to them anymore as they started chanting the letter E over and over again.

'It's not the Wilbur he would still be with m- her and Tommy'

little did he know ;)


how do you guys like the story so far? i'm trying to switch up the pov's a little bit more. Please let me know what i can do to make it better and just give overall feedback <3

i'm an artist so this is my first time writing a book but i still hope you like it!

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