farewell (11)

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Tubbo pov

"Tommy!" I slapped my hand over his mouth. His eyes widened as he realized what was going on.

"Shit, " he whispered

"Who's there"

We peeked over the edge of the building to see two people standing below looking around.

"This is the King Of Death. I have decided your fate. Your time has come.." Tommy chuckled

"Tommy!" I whispered elbowing him in the arm only to make him laugh even more. One of the two looked up to the edge of the building we were at. The one who saw us quickly alerted the other one. Tommy was still dying laughing as the two below whisper cautiously to each other.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you," I said, standing up and leaning over the edge of the building. The two looked at each other before one hesitantly replied.

"Then what are you doing out here shouldn't you be at your homes." A man with a smiley mask and green hoodie replied sternly.

"I could ask the same thing bitch." Tommy pitched in, now sitting over the edge of the building dangling his legs off the side.

"Hmm, well, we were visiting the royals." The man said with a cocky smile.

"um.. Well, nice talking to you, " Tommy said nervously expecting them to keep walking.

"What's your name kid?" The brunette perked in.

"um.. i'm.. Dan. this is.. Jeffery and that's Bob."

"Dan huh?"


"Hey!! I ain't no Bo-" Tommy was cut off by Ranboo who slapped his hand over Tommy's mouth.

"Come on Will, we have better thing to do than question a bunch of children" With that they walked down the street. Once they were out of view. I release a breath that i didn't even know i was holding in turning back to see a pissed off Tommy.

"What a bunch of bitches!! Who do they think they are. Mr 'meeting with the royals.' Dickheads. AND HOW DARE THEY CALL US CHILDREN!! We are more grown up then they could EVER be" Tommy scoffed.

"That was close. Lucky they didn't recognize you we could of been in big trouble. Especially if they know the Royals" I sigh out of relief.

"ALSO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY MY NAME WAS BOB!!" Tommy screeched causing all of us to burst out laughing.

Who knows what the royals would do to them if they were caught.

Phil pov

"Did I say something wrong?" I sigh pacing up and down the table.

"Dad, you didn't do anything wrong, but you could of asked less.. Sensitive questions?" Techno said


"Look, I'll talk to him for you next time I see him, but we have new guards coming in for trials tomorrow. The lead guards might need some help setting up"

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