run (3)

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TW: mention of death

'run run and never stop running don't look back'

And that's exactly what Tommy did he ran.


He didn't know all he knew is he had to run.

So he ran

And ran

And ran.

"Excuse me? are you okay" Tommy shot awake backing up to see a goat hybrid leaning over towards him with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh i'm sorry if I startled you. I'm Tubbo and this is Ranboo" He said, pointing to an enderman hybrid. He had half black and half white face. He smiled with a small wave.

"I'm Tommy" He muttered, standing up from where he was sleeping.

"Nice to meet you! May I ask what are you doing here all alone?"

"my village was burnt down its not like i have anywhere to go" Tommy shrugged sarcastically

"Oh, I'm so sorry.. Y'know you can come with us if you want. We live in a town over that way well.. More occupy than live" He said, pointing towards the distance.

Seems a bit sketchy, but what do I have to lose right?

With Niki and Wilbur they eventually made their way back to the village, but it was too late everything and everyone was gone and when I mean gone I mean..


They had left no survivors from what it looked like. They could only pray Tommy was still alive.

Then it clicked

His mother had gone out to work a few hours before the fire. Would she be okay? I hope so. But what if something has happened to her.. Who would I live with?? I don't know where my Dad is and now my Mum might not come back..

"What do we do Niki he's gone everything gone.." Niki pulled him into a hug

"Hey, it's going to be alright I'm sure Tommy is out there somewhere we will find him."




Niki knew that wasn't a promise she would probably be able to keep but she was willing to try.

"How about we go visit one of my friends and maybe we can stay there for a while how does that sound?" Wilbur nods and they start to make their way there.

After more than 3 hours of travelling they arrive at a huge town with a castle in the distance.

"This is the Antarctic Empires biggest town you can actually see the castle from here" She points to a huge stone brick castle it looked oddly familiar for some reason, but yet again he doesn't question it and decides to ignore it and follows Niki towards one of the houses.

Wilbur pov

We stood in front of a small cottage right on the outskirts of the town. Once we got the front door and knock there was a loud crash and the door swung open. There stood a goat hybrid with long curly hair and huge horns she seemed to be wearing a captain's uniform.

"Hel- FOOLISH DON'T TOUCH THAT! Come in, come in! " She invited us in Niki chuckled and happily walked in. I was a bit more hesitant, but walked in anyways.

"Welcome nice to see you again Niki! Oh Wilbur! Wow you have grown so much since last time I saw you" The Goat lady said, picking up what looked like a totem hybrid.

"Yeah" I chuckle, looking down at my feet. In reality i didn't know who she was.

"Oh, that's right you probably don't remember me. My names Puffy this is Foolish. I was a friend of your mother" she warmly smiles    "So, What brings you two here?"

"um- Puffy can I talk to you outside?"

"Oh sure, " She puts Foolish back on the ground "Hey buddy, do you mind taking Wilbur to meet Dream me and Auntie Niki need to chat about something"

He nods, turning towards me and starts to go down the hall.

"So.. Foolish, right? Where are we going" i say, trying to ease the awkward silence. We stop outside a door with the name 'Dream' spelt on the door. He knocks on the door, then, someone from inside yells.

"Come in!"

We open the door to see a person with a smiley face mask on with a green hoodie. He looked a little older than me if I had to guess maybe 10 while I was 8. We greeted each other until Niki and Puffy came back through the door. Puffy came straight towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry that happened, You two can stay here as long as you need" She said sympathetically

Tommy pov

"We're here!" Tubbo shouted, running down a hill

"Where exactly are we?" I ask following close behind them.

"Oh, this is the Antarctic Empires main town, it does cost quite a lot to live here though. That's why we live up there" Ranboo pointed to one rooftops. Tommy looked in awe it was like multiple towns all in one all having a perfect view of the castle.

It was beautiful.

The 'house' Ranboo and Tubbo lived at was all broken down it looked like it hadn't been touched by anyone in years. It was also located in the middle of a extremely sketchy alleyway leading to a field. On top of the house was where Tubbo and Ranboo lived it had a basket of stolen food, thin blankets, a small brick coverage at the place they slept and a pile of different types of items which all looked to be stolen.

'Maybe this won't be that bad?'

yay chapter 3 done!!
kinda long chapter ig lol
also i think i forgot to mention the ages so-
Niki- 20
Wilbur-8 (twin)
Ranboo- 6
techno- 8 (twin)
phil- old (35)

————————yay chapter 3 done!!kinda long chapter ig lol also i think i forgot to mention the ages so- Niki- 20Puffy-23Wilbur-8 (twin)Tommy-5Tubbo-5Ranboo- 6techno- 8 (twin)phil- old (35)Dream-10Foolish-5

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this is the layout of their roof top thing cos idk if i explained it good enough-


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