the market (4)

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gasp a time skip of 3 years has attacked you what will you do :0

Tommy pov

"Hey Tubs heads up"

"Thanks Big man" He said catching the apple i had threw at him taking a bite "you didn't steal this did you?"

"oH no no no why would i do that?!? i payed like a NORMAL citizen" I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

Tubbo scoffed "you gotta let us do some stealing they are starting to put warning posters around for the "Food Bandit" i just don't want you getting caught"

i sighed i know he's just worried about me getting caught but i'm not gonna get caught i'm a raccoon hybrid it's kinda my thing to be  stealthy. I mean i can basically pickpocket anyone without them noticing.

Purple particles started to show up then Ranboo teleported onto the roof and both me and Tubbo looked at each other extremely confused. Ranboo only ever teleports when he is in trouble or we need urgent help getting out of somewhere.

"Ranboo you okay big man?" I ask walking towards him

He sighed "Yeah i just tried to pickpocket someone but they noticed and well.. it didn't go well let's just say that"

"what do you mean by didnt go well.. DID THEY HURT YOU??!" Tubbo freaked out running towards Ranboo to check if he's hurt

"i'm fine i'm fine but i don't think i should talk to that person again they seemed really mad-"

Tubbo sighed out of relief that Ranboo isn't hurt

"yeah maybe leave the pickpocketing to me. Anyways i'm heading into town anything specific you guys need?" i said climbing down the side of the building.

"uhh yeah can you get some more apples or something we are running a bit low. See you later stay safe!"

"ight got it Tubs be back later!"

Techno pov (gasp new pov :0)

Phil had finally agreed to let me go to the town and this is what happens. I sigh and continue to walk around keeping extra attention to make sure that i don't get pickpocketed AGAIN.

Why was someone trying to pickpocket me in the first place? Most people can't even make eye contact with me because of the whole 'royal' thing. As i strolled past the many markets there was a yell of one of the store owners which caught my attention.


I run over to see what was going on.

"sir what happened?" i asked the person who was yelling

"The food bandit stole MY apples and didn't even pay?!" the guys continued to rant about them being 'his' apples until i decided to cut in.

"do you know what they looked like?"

"Raccoon hybrid with messy strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes" the guys described him "he also ran that way" he pointed into a direction

"thank you sir i will be on the look out for them for you" i say practically begging to stop talking to him

"thank you have a nice day!" The man responded walking back into his store

i sight of relief and decide to head back to the castle to tell Phil about the 'Food bandit' in the town i'm sure he will sort it out.

chapter 4 pog
ranboo tried to pickpocket techno?!? bad enderman

Uh yeah i got nothing to say have a great day!

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