5:45 pm.

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5:45 pm.

It's nearly an hour later when you and Jungkook arrive at your next destination, having made two stops along the way, one at your house, and another at his, to change out of your "formal" attire and into something more casual.

Jungkook doesn't even receive his next dare until you're both leaving his place and seems rather ecstatic to read that it says "get a spontaneous tattoo." Jungkook had almost laughed out loud in an air of pride - what's one more tattoo to his arm already covered in an intricate sleeve of ink? He isn't necessarily excited to read the second part of the dare which is "get a spontaneous tattoo of the name of the stranger you met at the bar and let someone who isn't your tattooist tattoo you," but it somehow still doesn't seem to stop him from adding yet another tattoo to his random collection and soon you're standing in the tattoo parlour that he says one of his friends works at.

The shop itself is located in the heart of downtown, and in the midst of a busy end-of-summer festival. It's dimly lit and rather shabby-looking, with thick smoke clinging in the stuffy air and flickering neon lights but it seems to be quite busy. Jungkook is hardly intimidated by the idea of getting your name tattooed on him and goes straight up to his friend (who is equally as covered in tattoos as Jungkook) who introduces himself as Yoongi. Jungkook, within minutes, is sitting back in a chair for Yoongi to begin work on. He decides to get your name along his neck, just behind his right ear. You sit across from Jungkook, watching Yoongi with steady eyes as he concentrates on the needle and the tattoo. At some point, when you look up at Jungkook, you find him already staring pensively at you.

"So, what made you decide to go to the party?" he asks. "I used to always hear you make fun of it."

You shrug. "I just figured I'd give it a try and it'd be a shame to pass up the invitation when so many other people are dying to get one."

Yoongi chuckles under his breath. "Yeah, that was Jungkook. The kid turned into a huge baby whenever he didn't get invited."

Jungkook grimaces and shoots Yoongi a glare as you stifle your giggles.

"No," he says firmly. "It's just that I've been trying for three years to get invited to this party and tonight is finally the night. I'm not letting it go to waste."

Yoongi only hums in response, ignoring his friend.

"So, why do you want to go to the party so badly?" You ask.

"They always hand out invitations the last day of August and my birthday is the first of September," he says. "I just figured it'd be a pretty awesome way to end my summer and kick off my birthday. That, and, I, Jeon Jungkook, never back down from a dare."

"He's an idiot," Yoongi comments. He pauses on Jungkook's arm and pulls back to glance at you. "You can finish the name, if you want - and if Jungkook wants."

"Well, we need to finish the dare," Jungkook replies.

Yoongi sighs and hands you a pair of latex gloves for your hands before passing the tattoo gun onto you. You switch seats with the other boy and follow Yoongi's directions as he tells you what to do. When Yoongi leaves you to finish it on your own, you catch sight of an uneasy-looking Jungkook.

"Don't mess up," he says. "Please."

Quirking a brow, and favouring a moment of redemption for the scare he had given you at the bar, you decide to feign a dramatic gasp. You curse aloud, "Oh, shit!"

Jungkook jolts in his seat and immediately glances behind at you only to be greeted to the sight of both you and Yoongi stifling your amused laughter.

"Relax, Jeon," You snicker. "I'm just messing with you."

Jungkook only rolls his eyes. A few minutes pass of silence (in, which time, Jungkook snaps a picture of you tattooing his neck) but when you are finally done, you pull back from him and beam down at your work.

"Well, I think it looks pretty good," You say. "Considering it is my name."

"It better be good," Jungkook retaliates. "Considering I'm stuck with it on me forever now."

Yoongi finishes cleaning, sanitizing, and wrapping the tattoo before letting Jungkook go. When the commotion is done, Jungkook finally takes the chance to look at his tattoo in the mirror and you're relieved (despite your teasing) to see he doesn't hate it. It's when you're both leaving after paying Yoongi for his time that Jungkook remembers something and turns to you.

"What did you say was your dare again?" he asks.

"I didn't."

"Oh," he quirks a brow. "Well, what was it?"

You purse your lips when you look at Jungkook. You had received your dare shortly after Jungkook's and have been thinking about it the entire time in the tattoo shop. Now, as you're standing in the large crowd of people at the festival, you realize you have the perfect opportunity to finish your dare. So, you swiftly push away your worrisome thoughts that had been plaguing you for the past hour and the nerves churning your stomach. Just for tonight, you tell yourself again. The simple mantra you are slowly coming to accept.

"This," You say to Jungkook and then you're dashing forward.

Jungkook wonders why, wonders what your dare is, as you run into the middle of a busy crowd and hop up on a nearby concrete step. Before he can chase after you and ask what you're doing, you're lifting your shirt and bra and cheering loudly enough to make everyone near you look over in appalled and shocked stares. Your back is to Jungkook but he can see the smooth expanse of your skin and his jaw drops open in a gasp. Before you can pull your shirt back down, Jungkook fumbles to snap a picture of you flashing the crowd from your back and nearly drops his phone. The crowd's reaction is a mixed cacophony of either cheering or disapproved murmuring but none of it makes you feel any better. Jungkook watches as you pull your shirt back down and scurry back to him, your face burning sheepishly and your eyebrows scrunching together.

"Let's get out of here, please," You beg silently. "And don't say anything."

Jungkook, despite you grabbing onto his wrist to pull him away, can't help but laugh at your flustered attire. People are still staring but he and you seem to blend easily amongst the crowd that reforms to carry on with their own business. He's smirking at the way you continue to stomp away but he doesn't bother to linger and chases after you, swiftly falling into step beside you.

"Listen," he hums, "I gotta give you kudos for actually doing that. I don't think I'd even flash people."

He's suddenly laughing again at the way you frown and, if you weren't as embarrassed as you are or desperate to flee the crowd, you may have scoffed some sarcastic response but, for now, you remain in your silent brooding and hop on the back of the bike to prepare for the rest of the night.

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