11:30 pm.

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11:30 pm.

"Alright, so this is our last dare?"

Jungkook nods as he looks over at you. You're both standing in an alleyway between two brick buildings in the busy downtown city to finish Jungkook's dare. You had received both your dares nearly an hour ago. Yours was to sing and dance to an entire song in public which you only did after Jungkook agreed to join in with you on a, dare you say, brilliant performance of A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton (that resulted in you dancing rather animatedly around a large group of people, Jungkook serenading a man sitting nearby, and somehow bribing a busker to join in with his piano). Jungkook's dare is to graffiti a building. The thought of defacing yet another building doesn't exactly sit well with you but Jungkook promised that he would complete his dare quickly without risking any chance of being caught. You weren't so sure how smoothly that would go.

"Apparently," Jungkook says. "How long do we have? What did the text say again?"

You grab your phone out of your pocket and unlock it to find the text.

From: Unknown number.
Sent: 11:00 pm.

Congratulations! You have completed almost all of your tasks. Your last dare is to sing an entire song in public but beware: you must complete this task before midnight, as that is when we close the doors on late attendees. Once you complete this task, and send us proof, we will evaluate your score and send you both the location and secret password to access the party.

"We have thirty minutes," You say. "Think we can do it?"

"Of course," Jungkook says smugly. He's holding a bag of spray paint that he purchased only moments ago and reaches inside to pull out a can of red paint. "Hey, don't look so worried. It's liberating once you give it a try."

"You've done this before?" You ask.

Jungkook smirks and shrugs innocently. "Once. Okay, maybe a few times, but I've never gotten caught before."

"Well, you better hope tonight isn't the night," You say.

Jungkook laughs and tosses you the can of spray paint before plucking the other orange one from the bag but he doesn't respond. You watch as he uncaps the can of paint, looks up at the brick wall of the structure, and presses down on the nub, spraying orange paint all over. It's fascinating to watch him as he works, and you tell yourself that trying it for a few minutes won't hurt. So, you follow his lead, uncapping the can in your hands, covering your nose and mouth with your hand to protect your lungs from the fumes, and begin painting the wall in red strokes. You're quick to realize that Jungkook is right once more and there's something oddly liberating with spray painting a building, like a child who is suddenly allowed to colour outside of the lines, and soon you're laughing in triumph. You're both too caught up in the moment, too caught up with having fun, to notice the police car that drives by until it's cruising down the street again, siren blaring and lights flashing. Jungkook is the one who notices it first and curses under his breath.

"Shit," he grumbles.

He snatches the can from your hands and tosses both cans into the bag before chucking it to the ground. He grabs your hand next and he's ready to run but is stopped when two police officers, both burly looking men, stand in front of you, blocking the entrance of the alleyway.

"What's going on here?" One of them asks in a gruff voice.

Jungkook comes to a sudden halt and you crash into his back. The two of you are instantly silent, exchanging worrisome glances. The officers look stern, angry, eyeing the two of you with beady glares.

"Are you aware that graffiti and defacing of public property is against the law?" The other one asks. "And you have both just been caught in the act of vandalising this building. Can you both please step out of the alleyway?"

Jungkook grimaces and reluctantly agrees, pulling you with him. You can see him growing anxious, restless, gripping your hand tightly in his. The officers set you to the side as they drone on about the crime you've committed and the fine they need to write you both up for, as well as explaining that they would need the two of you to do some sort of community service to make up for it. While the cops are standing off to the side, writing up a ticket for the two of you, Jungkook glances down at his phone while the two of you sit on the curb of the street and groans.

"I'm sorry I got you into this mess," he says.

"You didn't. This party did," You point out.

Jungkook winces at the mention of the party and runs a hand through his blonde hair.

"It's 11:40," he says. "They said we have until midnight to finish our dares. We're cutting it close, don't you think?"

"Didn't you send them a picture of the wall while the cops were talking to us?" You ask.

Jungkook nods. "Well, there's no way we can make it to the party by midnight - wherever it is - if we need to go down to the station."

"It's okay," You tell him. You place your hand on his shoulder and make him look down at you. "Maybe we just weren't meant to go to the party."

"Three years," Jungkook says, scowling. "That's how long I've waited to get invited, and we're twenty minutes to midnight, and now I can't go. And, on top of that, I guess I'll be spending my birthday at the police station - but I guess it's not a total bust, right? We did meet."

You look at him sympathetically and sigh. You're gnawing on your lower lip as a stiff silence settles between the two of you. You know how much the party means to Jungkook, even if you can't seem to find a reason to admire it, and you feel terrible for how this night might end. It's then, as you're fidgeting with the strands of your pink hair, that a completely reckless and shocking idea pops into your head. Your eyes flicker to the cops who have their back turned to you, then to Jungkook's motorcycle which is parked across the busy street, and lands lastly on Jungkook.

"Maybe our fun doesn't have to end here," You whisper to the boy.

He turns to look at you, quirking an eyebrow. You lean in closer to him to make sure he is the only one who can hear you when you say, "Let's run."

Jungkook's eyes widen. "From the cops? Holy shit, who are you and what have you done with Y/N?"

You shoot him a look that makes him sigh. He glances over at the cops and is silent, thinking, debating what he should do.

"This is a terrible idea," he says, "but we can't get in trouble if we don't get caught. Follow me."

There's a devious glint in his eyes that suddenly makes you second guess yourself and your plan, but it's already too late. He gets to his feet, pulling you with him. His eyes are darting back and forth from the police and the traffic lights at the intersection, which are green. Cars speed past going either direction and Jungkook waits until the lights turn yellow, then red. You think he'll move as soon as it turns red but he waits, lingering. He waits a few seconds, counting down in his head, and then he's lunging forward, exclaiming, "Run!"

You're caught off guard by his sudden action that you fumble over your own two feet to catch up with Jungkook as he bolts across the street. You hear the police from somewhere behind you, grunting and yelling, most likely chasing after the two of you but, before they can and just as you and Jungkook weave through the stopped cars to the other side of the street, the traffic light turns green and the cars begin to drive again, blocking the police. You're left in a state of shock when you realize you've outrun the cops but Jungkook doesn't stop. He hops onto his motorcycle and tosses on his helmet and you hastily follow his lead, clinging onto him tightly as he revs the bike to life and merges into traffic without a second thought.

You wonder how he's able to guide the motorcycle left and right to dodge the cars as fast as he can. The speed he's at almost scares you but he can't stop, not when the police are struggling to chase after the two of you, but they stop eventually, figuring the chase isn't worth the fight and they let the two of you go, driving off into the night.

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