6:30 pm.

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6:30 pm.

"So, where are we right now?"

Your voice seems loud as you ask your question in what feels like the dead of night. After finishing your last dare, Jungkook's next task was to deface private property (though the actual dare read T.P. or egg a random house). While you stood with the fact that this was a bad idea, Jungkook seemed keen to get started and had the perfect place in mind. Half an hour later, he's made a pit stop at a grocery store to buy a carton of eggs and a package of toilet paper and drives you both into the suburbs of the city. He finds the right house with ease and parks the motorcycle in front of it, hoping off of it with a frown already etched on his face.

"This," Jungkook says, "is Lee Minhyuk's house. Ever heard of him?"

The name hardly takes a second to register in your memory. Lee Minhyuk is a boy who you have had the displeasure of attending all years of high school with and college and is the least favourable person you have met to date. He is pretentious and snobby, arrogant and mean, and finds joy in hurting others.

"Rings a bell," You reply grimly. "I take it you don't like him?"

"What's there to like?" Jungkook scoffs. "We used to be friends but he's done a lot of shit to me. One, for instance, is the way he deliberately hooked up with my, now ex, girlfriend behind my back for a good few months. I never really did pay him back for that."

"Ouch," You wince. "That's an asshole move."

"Tell me about it," he hums, his eyes narrowing into a glare as he stares up at the house.

You purse your lips as you study Jungkook and then the house behind him. You push yourself off of the motorcycle which you had been leaning against and grab the bag of items, carrying them over to the boy.

"Then I think we should use both the eggs and toilet paper," You say. "That way we can give Minhyuk a special surprise for when he wakes up. Choose your weapon."

Jungkook looks down at you and the opened bag in your hands. He laughs before sticking his hand inside and pulls out the fresh carton of eggs, flipping open the lid. He plucks one perfectly rounded egg from the dozen, looks down at it in his hand as if sizing it, and then glances back up at the house. He hesitates for a moment before winding his arm back and hurling the egg forward, where it collides messily with the bricks on the foundation of the upper level, breaks into pieces, and splatters it's yellow yolk all over. It's silent as he observes his work and then he's smirking.

"Now that was satisfying," he admits. The look on his face is one of pure unadulterated joy and it's irreplaceable. "Let's just make this quick before someone finds us."

You don't argue his point as you aren't exactly keen on the idea of being caught. Jungkook continues to make his way through the carton until the house is painted in egg-white shell pieces and dripping yolk. As he's busying himself with the eggs, you take the time to run around Minhyuk's front lawn and toss the toilet paper around the tree planted near you and on his car. When you have both used all your supply of eggs and toilet paper, the two of you stand back and admire the mess that you have created together. Jungkook is right. It's satisfying to do something so destructive and maybe it's the fact that you're doing it to someone as payback that makes it fun. There is a small inkling in you that makes you feel bad for doing something such as vandalizing but the joy it gives you, the smile on Jungkook's face, and the laughter the two of you share in the process of destroying the exterior of Minhyuk's home is all worth it.

"I gotta say," You hum in content, "this may just be our magnum opus."

Jungkook swiftly swipes a picture of the house with his phone and then finally turns to you. "I think we've done enough remodelling to Minhyuk's home. How about we get going?"

You nod silently, watching as he walks back to his motorcycle and grabs his helmet. When you join him on the bike and are hugging his torso close to you, you ask, "So, how are you feeling now?"

Jungkook, without missing a beat, replies, "Like I can take on the world," and it makes you laugh.

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