12:02 am.

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12:02 am.

It is much to your pleasure that, as soon as you walk through the door, you find yourselves walking not in the midst of the bartender baking human meat pies but in the middle of a party.

And it isn't just any party.

It's loud, it's huge, it's crazy. It certainly doesn't let down and holds up to expectations. Crowds of hundreds of people already occupy the underground basement (which isn't at all a basement, since, from what you can see, it stretches on and on), laughter and chatter mingling with the thump of bass that plays. There are glittering lights, ice sculptures, balloons, servers carrying trays of various arrays of foods and drinks, and a DJ playing from somewhere on a higher up platform. It's entirely overwhelming and yet exciting at the same time and neither you nor Jungkook can fully comprehend what you have both just walked in on. You turn to look at one another, completely and absolutely shocked.

"We made it," Jungkook says in disbelief. "We got in."

A wide grin stretches across your face. "We got in!" You exclaim, bursting into triumphant laughter and swinging your arms around his neck. "I can't believe this is actually a thing. We're here!"

Jungkook can't help but join in your laughter, scooping you up in his arms and lifting you off the ground in a tight hug. He places you back down moments later and locks gazes with yours. The smile on his face is irreplaceable, priceless, and you can't bring yourself to look away. A sudden thought pops into your head and your smile softens.

"It's midnight, isn't it?" You ask. "Happy birthday! Is this everything you wanted?"

Jungkook grins and glances around the room. His stare settles back on you and his hands fall to the small of your waist so he can tug you closer to him.

"Everything and more," he says.

"Must be a pretty awesome present, huh?"

"It's alright," he admits. "I think the better present was getting to spend this night with you - and, of course, when you let me eat you out."

You gasp, reaching out to whack his shoulder playfully. "Ever the romantic, Jeon!"

"Well, I'm telling the truth," Jungkook says. He laughs at your scowling face and leans down to catch your lips with his for a gentle kiss that leaves your heart fluttering. "Which reminds me, we're going to need to go on a date after this night - maybe even have round two. I do, after all, have your name tattooed on me now. We can't let that go to waste."

"I'd like that," You say.

"Good," Jungkook smiles wide and then he's grasping your hand and gesturing to the wide open space of the party and the crowd that occupies it. "Now, let's have some fun. We didn't run from the cops for no reason."

You'll follow after Jungkook then, slipping into the crowd of people to join in on the party, but you realize, in the end, that the party wasn't the sole reason for your happiness. It was the events during the night, the dares, and the fact that you were able to meet Jungkook that made you remember that night the most - and you were certainly glad you had been able to start off the night right by gathering enough courage to kiss the stranger that was Jungkook.

If there are any potential consequences for completing your chaotic dares, you suppose you could deal with all that later (and with the bonus of Jungkook by your side), putting it off for a better day if only just for tonight.

just for tonight ∙ jjk (m)Where stories live. Discover now