7:25 pm.

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7:25 pm.

Forty-five minutes later, and miles away from Minhyuk's house, you are wishing that you had the bold attitude and brave heart of Jungkook as you struggle to find the courage to complete your dare.

It's a simple one but it's enough to make you shift nervously in your spot, toy anxiously with your fingers, and gnaw on your lower lip or the inside of your cheek. Dye your hair a bright colour. It's the bright colour aspect of the dare that makes you apprehensive, as you tend to enjoy the way you seem to blend in to crowds rather than stick out. You and Jungkook spend a good fifteen minutes in the beauty section of your local drug store, staring at the abundance of hair dye before you gather the last of your wits and courage and grab the brightest of shades, a vibrant violet purple, and pay for it. Then, you march straight to the empty and dingy woman's washroom and pull Jungkook inside where you hesitate once more.

"I don't think I can do it," You say. "I don't want to ruin my hair."

"You'll be fine," Jungkook assures.

"What if I hate it?"

"It'll fade. Besides, you can dye it back to your natural colour later."

You grimace at the thought of having to go at least 24 hours with bright purple hair and rub your face tiredly.

"Everyone will stare," You say.

Jungkook chuckles and nods. He's leaning against one of the porcelain sinks in the washroom, his arms folded over his chest. "That's the point. Purple will look nice, trust me. At least it doesn't stand out as much as neon green or yellow."

When you don't reply, Jungkook glances over at you and the way you're nervously toying with your hair as you stare at your reflection in the mirror. He feels bad to see you struggling so much with one simple dare that it jolts something in him and he begins beaming at you with no explanation. You see the strange look on his face and quirk an eyebrow, shooting him a questioning stare.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

"Helping," he says. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

Then he's fleeing out of the washroom and disappearing out of your sight. You wait by the sink, anxiously watching the door as you wait for his return, and when he does, it is three minutes later. He's grinning wide as he holds up the box in his hands, the hair dye that he just paid for.

"How do you think I'll look with blonde hair?" he asks.

When you lock eyes with his, there is a mischievous glint in them that makes you shake your head at him and a warm smile tug at your lips.

"I guess we'll just have to find out," You say.

"Exactly," he replies. "If I look like an idiot, it's because I'm helping you. Now, let's do this."

It's Jungkook's blazing determination and fearlessness that seems to suddenly reinvoke your own confidence and you nod firmly. The next few minutes are spent with the both of you applying the whole bottle worth of dye on both of your heads, evenly coating every inch and layer of your hair. Then, you let it sit for the next thirty to forty-five minutes, in which time the two of you spend lounging around the washroom and talking. When the time is up, you both struggle to wash your hair out in the sinks with shampoo you buy from the same store. The whole process is long and tedious but you don't seem to mind when you're spending it with Jungkook.

When you're finished washing your hair, you straighten up and finally take a long look at yourself in the mirror. The first thing you see is a shock of purple hair and it makes you gasp audibly. Though it is mostly a sound of surprise as you find that you actually kind of, sort of, like it. You laugh at your own dumbfounded expression in the mirror, too caught up with fiddling with your new purple strands to notice Jungkook is done washing his hair. When he straightens up beside you, you glance over at him and can't help but smile. The blonde dye mingles with his dark hair and creates some sort of beautiful dirty blonde that makes his golden tan even more prominent. You find yourself gazing too long and too hard at his new hair colour that you don't even realize he asks you a question.

"Earth to Y/N?" he asks. "You there?"

When you hear his voice break through your reverie, you shake your head furiously and avert your gaze back to his. "Oh, uh, sorry. What was that?"

"I said, how do I look?"

"Hot." The word slips from your mouth before you can bite it back but Jungkook doesn't seem to mind. He laughs at your compliment and nods.

"Thanks," he says. "I can say the same for you."

He reaches out suddenly to run his fingers through the ends of your hair, admiring the purple. "It actually really suits you. I told you it'd look nice."

"You're lying," You say.

"I swear I'm not," he replies. "I think you should keep it. I like it on you."

His comment makes you blush but he doesn't seem to notice - or maybe he doesn't mind.

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