Part 10 - stressed out

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So I had fallen asleep in my girlfriends arms feeling safe and at peace. I woke up and turned onto my side to feel Scarlett had already left I turned back around onto my back and groaned before getting up and ready for the day. I had just got out the shower and walked downstairs in a towel to the kitchen I saw a note on the counter and it was Scarlett telling me what the rest of her day was going to be like. I opened up the fridge and got a little something to eat before walking back upstairs into the bedroom and getting dressed into something suitable for work. My hair was straightened and I was wearing a black dress that stopped just above my knee with black heels, I grabbed the car keys got in the car and drive to work.

I was feeling very stressed out today cause my class had to do revision and a test in one lesson and I just knew this was going to be trouble they always try and get out of doing their tests but I won't let it happen this time. I set up the classroom and made it look like a place kids worked and it was neat so it made me very happy,I could hear the kids getting noisy outside so I opened the door and let them in god I hated this part. The worst part of teaching a class is settling them down I never really know what to do so I've made a game with them where I say something and they finish it and after that it's silent but I know this won't happen. Even though I lived teacher a lot I hated my class the people were okay it's just when they are all together they was very noisy. I had wrote everything on the board and told them if there is any problems to let me know,surprisingly the revision was going ok till they started asking silly questions like what are we revising?
What page is it?
How long till the end of the lesson?
How much time do we have left?

I wouldn't be that mad if it wasn't on the board but it was so to answer those questions I would just point to the bored. I had a few emails to look at and reply to these were boring but it's my job I had a few emails from students asking about the work in class and so I responded to all the emails so once I had finished answering and replying to emails I stood up and said "times up put all your revision work on my desk and I'll hand out the tests". God I knew they hated me for this but it's part of learning at school you do a test and if you get something wrong you learn the correct answer and will score higher hopefully. I had handed out all the tests and sat down and the rules for the test was in the board.

No talking
Stupid noises not allowed
Once your done read or do something as long as it's quiet
They was the only rules I had but not even 5 minutes into their test people was talking to each other asking for answers. "Boys that's your warning keep talking during the test and you will be sent somewhere else". Then the girls started so I spoke up "girls" and I raised an eyebrow and shook my head telling them no. It was silent for another ten minutes until most of the students had finished and was only a few left to finish.
I waited around at left the class to it because they wasn't be that loud the class had finished early so I let them go early. I cleaned up the classroom collecting the test and notes with all sorts written on them.

It was lunch and of course I was on duty my day just couldn't get worse,I put in my coat and went outside standing in the cold watching the students play around and talk about random stuff. I was talking to another teacher about lesson plans when a student run up to me and made me aware that there was a fight in the school grounds I looked around for the fight to see that it was the girls that was in my class bitching earlier. I walked over to them as fast as I could with out tripping and broke up the fight with 2 other staff members I took one of the girls to my office and called her parents to come and get her while she wrote a statement on what happened.

My other classes was going very average and like the rest I honestly couldn't wait for the end of the day. It finally hit 3pm god I was so happy I was finally allowed to go home and relax with my beautiful girlfriend I loved loads. I had packed up my stuff from my desk and made sure I had everything before I left picking the classroom and getting in the car driving home.

I had finally got home at 3:45pm I slipped off my shoes went upstairs slipping into one of Scarletts long over sized tops and putting on some shorts.I put the tv on and sat on the sofa getting comfy before I let myself drift off to sleep.
I was starting to stir awake when I realised I wasn't alone and I was cuddled up to Scarlett and she was watching lion king.

Sorry this is like really late but I promise I will write more or at least write them in drafts then post them at once. I'm also in hospital for what is today for me idk what it would be for anyone that doesn't live in the uk. I hope you enjoyed sorry for any writing mistakes I was crying my eyes out and couldn't see properly.

I love all you guys for supporting my story

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