19. New classmate

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As walked towards my locker, I see my best friend standing there, hands crossed over her chest and a face that screams EXPLAIN THE BLOODY MESS.

Yes, I the great Meghan did create a mess again. Is there any award you get for creating problems in your own life? Guess who is winning it this year.

"Don't you even start with it is just an initial or I went with the flow or I didn't feel lie lying" she snapped earning a small amount of audience. I gave them an ensuring smile reminding them to mind their own business.

"You know I don't sound like that. And to answer your question which by the way you haven't asked and thanks to my intelligent brain I already know what it is so you don't have to waste your energy on it-" she stood with the look that said SHUT THE FUCK UP "-I.. when he asked me I out of the blue just typed M and before I could even make sense of my dumb act he started guessing names and I being the smart girl I am, handles everything."

When I was done, Eva just sighed and gave up on me.

In all honesty, I never wanted him to know the initial letter of my name nor am I looking forward to give away any more information. After our little meeting in the cafeteria, I and Eva found his Instagram handle. It's not Teenagers and stalking but Curiosity.

It's a part of the human nature. Someone says curiosity is very important as it helps you find answers and get involved in life and learn about new things. Don't ask me the name of the person.

So out of curiosity I just searched his name and found out a few things about him. He is the only child, 3 best friends, loves football ,currently single and has many girl fans commenting ..... in the comment section.

As we enter our class, I and Eva take our seats and wait for the teacher. I was about to ask Eva about her insights on my mess when Ray takes the seat to my left.

" You know I'm falling for you at a greater speed now." The innocent smile that he gave after his statement made me want to punch him.

But instead I replied, returning the same smile, "Have you yet touched the core of the earth or still somewhere near it, since you're falling at such a greater speed."

He scowled and I mouthed give up already. No, Ray doesn't like me. He is stuck with a dare to impress me with a pickup line. Poor soul is trying for a while now and is still not successful, thanks to me.

There's no fun in doing this but his pickup lines are hilarious and it needs improvement.

I could hear Eva laughing at his failed attempt and someone else laugh too. Turning towards the voice, I see Keith standing besides Ray's seat and signaling him to stand up. Ray got up and headed towards his seat while the seat next to me was taken by Keith.

I mentally prepared myself for this. Okay! Let's do this. The most he can do is ask questions about you and you have to answer it as you but not exactly like you. you are you but not the you who texts him but you are the you which doesn't he need to know.

I was Bebe Rexha's inspiration for I'M A MESS !

The bell rung indicating it's time for everyone to get to their classes but the person on my left was glued to his seat. I looked at my best friend.

Eva cleared her throat first then asked, "Um Keith, don't you have to go to your class. This is literature."

He looked at us with a shy smile, "This is my class. I changed a few classes just today morning for someone." The fake calmness I was showing flew away from the nearest window as I turned to him with widened eye.

He did not change for me. Technically not me but still ME !

Keith looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What made you think you can even get passing score in the subjects you changed just today morning".

"Well I don't intent to sit for the entire year only until I meet her." He replied with a shrug. Oh you've already met her.

The teacher entered and noticed a very unfamiliar face. "I see, we have a new student. What brings you to literature class gentlemen." He asked the person next to me.

"Someone." Keith's reply made him laugh. Dude just throw him out already. Instead he started teaching.

It's okay Meghan. You know the drill. Just ignore him! What an idea!

"So I heard your friend's name starts with M." Keith asked him in a low voice. I hummed in response.

"She also said she is gone for only few weeks." I hummed again.

"She also said you are her best friend." I hummed yet again.

"She said she has all classes with you." I hummed again. Shit what!

"Thank you for the help." Loss for words I turned towards Eva who was smiling and probably cursing at the same time.

This is gonna be long class.



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