28. His place

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Standing in front of a big white colored mansion, the only feeling I get is anger. I'm pretty sure the luxury that he is living is what my dad struggled for. Deleting the anger side I quickly scan the security around the house.

"You can get in through the 3rd gate. Enter form the kitchen and the rest is in your hands." Uncle's voice is clearly a concerning tone. We have no information about the person other than him being the trustee of my college. if I get caught, I can easily make something about my college.

After assuring him, I jumped on the other side of the wall. Looking for any danger and finding none I run towards the door that opens in the kitchen. I slowly creep in the house. The kitchen is silent.

A right turn would take me to the hallway and upstairs. But before going anywhere, I should check this place too. What if I find in in one of the cabinets?

"Meghan?" I freeze due to the voice. A voice that shouldn't be here. Not only the voice, the entire human shouldn't be here.

Turning towards the voice, I come face to face with none other than Keith. He is standing there wearing his sweats and a white t-shirt which makes him look so damn handsome. Not the right time Meghan!

"Ugh.. you..here?" I try to form words. Because at this time, I am utterly confused and shocked. When he doesn't say anything for a second, I assume he is here for some college thing. Is it allowed to come to the trustee's place unannounced? I can be saved then.

Stay calm.

"I should be asking you the same question. What are you doing at my place?" The mere thought of staying calm disappears like a fast metro train. His place?

"Y-you're place as in?" He laughs at first. Did I say something funny? Well curse me for being confused at this beautiful moment

"This is my house Meghan." It took me almost 3 minutes and 45 seconds- actually more time to put all the pieces together.

The CEO of Nuages – Mathew Davis. The trustee of our college- Davis. Standing in front of me- Keith Davis.


The feeling you get when you charge your phone over night only to have it switched off because you forgot to switch on it's switch. That's what I am feeling right now.

How did I never consider this. Not even till yesterday when I had the entire data in front of me and I was chatting with Keith.

"Would you enlighten me with the reason as to why you are here and also how?" he says looking at the kitchen door. You see actually I'm finding a locker your father stole from my parents and gained this luxurious life you're living. Oh and yes! He arranged my parent's death too.

Isn't it interesting? 'Meghan what's happening? Are you fine?' uncle's voice brings me back to reality. Will Keith understand the ear piece I'm wearing is not a ear pod I'm listening songs to. He isn't this smart. He couldn't write the intro for the project. Project!

"Yes!" He looks at me confused. Oh I said it loud. "The project. I am here for the project. Your mystery girl told me that because we cannot exchange numbers or meet at college, why not I meet you at your place?" I try to sound ...excited?

Jesus save my poor soul. The confidence I held while entering is now hiding in a corner. Stay there for a while till I find you again. 

Whom am I talking to?

"Umm.. okay. But how did you enter?" Why is he acting so interrogative today?

'Meghan.. are you in trouble? Do you want me to come?' uncle asked and I coughed. That's our secret code for saying everything is fine. You see people don't usually suspect it. Coming to present, I answered him, "I took a round to have a good look at your house and then entered through this door"

He seemed to have taken my rambling into consideration. While he is at it, I made a mental plan for the surveying. "Did you bring a girl home?" A lady, I assume his mother asked bringing both of us out of our world.

If looks gave out the inner feelings, I'm 110 percent sure this woman looks the happiest person on earth right now.

"No.. I mean Yes. We have a project together so I'm taking her to my room." Before we could even walk out, his mother stopped us. "Oh you can do that afterwards. What's your name sweetheart? How long have you been year? I'm sure my son didn't even ask you anything to eat."

What question should I answer first?

"It's okay, I' fine. My name is Meghan." A look of something appeared on her face. Was it sadness? Is it because of my name? Hey I have a beautiful name.

"What are your par-" Keith stopped her mid-sentence. "Mom we are heading to my room. You could pass on the snacks there." She smiled at me and I gratefully returned one.

"Make yourself at home sweetheart. I'll bring you orange juice and some snacks."

"Um.. I'm actually allergic to orange juice." She nodded understandingly and assured to bring something else.

With that said we exited the kitchen and walked towards his room. 



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