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Mystery girl

This is the moment I leave the chat!

It sounds stupid that one can smile wholeheartedly by just one text. It did sound stupid before I received a text from this number. Now the smile on my face has no early plans to leave. Not that I mind it.

I have changed my classes temporarily matching the one's her friend Meghan goes to. And once I meet her I would join my classes again. Perks of being trustee's son. Well, I know it's wrong, but someone said everything is fair in love, war and game. I do trust that someone.

The easiest plan would have been directly checking the class list. But it has no fun in the game. Something tells me this is going to be way more interesting than hide and seek game.

As I walk to my temporary class with a motive to learn something more about the mystery girl, I notice Meghan and Eva walking together towards the class. I speed up to reach them.

"You don't except me to walk on the road and abruptly stand in front of a person who is probably depressed over his life and me taunting him by saying, hey buddy just so you know I'm have a brilliant life right now so bye." Eva exclaims at something Meghan said.

Before I could say anything Sage interferes. "Hey Meghan I was wandering if you want my company after college." He used his most flirtatious tone and a smirk at end. Here's presenting the 'I own the college' boy.

"Sure, I was actually planning to visit the cemetery. It would be great to if you come, I was anyways going to need the perfect length and width for your burial place." Did I say I love her attitude. If I didn't, I do it now.

The smirk disappeared as fast as speeding train and was replaced with disgust. The nerves of this boy.

"Oh save that look. You might need it for further rejections." Eva said and the both brushed past him.

I should appreciate the mystery girl's friends. They are all good at comebacks. "Dude don't compete for the place you can't get." Sage looked at me with envy. I don't care.

His dad may be the professor but my dad is trustee. He always acts as if he is the popular guy in the college but that kid has a very slow game. Not my competition.

I enter the class and take my seat besides Eva and Meghan. "Good work out there with Sage." I complement them.

"Why, Thank you!" Eva exclaims. "So what is it today that you want to know? Her height, facial colour, favourite flower?" The way she gave me so many options , I thought I can find something about her today.

Before I could ask anything Meghan interrupted, "We will tell you NOTHING." The excitement on my face vanished.

"It's okay. I won't give up." Eva said something to Meghan which earned her a playful hit on the arm.

Soon the professor entered and silence entered with him. I mean everybody went quiet.

He started with some chapter about society and their history. The subject is as boring as siting with your elders on events. Why on earth do you study history? Technically speaking, the subject is not even needed. The ancestors didn't have technology and so they did things to entertain themselves. Those were- wars and making kids. Also giving their kids the most wired and impossible to pronounce names.

And by studying their so called deeds, one can only say HMMMM. Atleast any sane person like me would do it. I wander why mystery girl even thought about adding history as her subject.

The interesting thing he said was at the end. We would be going to a trip to some place and find about it's history and various things. The interesting thing was we were divided in groups. There are 8 rows in the class in was in the 6th row where as Meghan was in the 5th. So according to 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th and at the end 7th and 8th, I was teamed up with Meghan.

The girl is fun to be with. I gave her my best smile but she looked ...shocked?

"I won't kidnap you, if that's what you are worrying about." She laughed at my comment. I kinda like that laugh. No doubt Meghan is beautiful but I am looking forward only for my mystery girl.

"I know you won't. But you won't stay silent and actually focus on the project, will you?" I nodded a yes.

How can I possibly miss the only chance to interrogate her about her. It might sound annoying but I call it curiosity. One should never keep unanswered questions in their minds.

I started making a mental questionnaire....



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