Deck the Halls

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The Loft at the Bellevue featured large arched windows standing shoulder-to-shoulder the entire length of the ballroom. Strands of garland wrapped with white fairy lights hung between ceiling fixtures. Maddy adjusted a velvet bow, putting the finishing touches on a fresh boxwood wreath mounted behind the serving table.

A surly Bellevue staff person lugged an aluminum ladder into the room. He mumbled something that sounded like "Get outta my way" as he pushed past Maddy. He extended the ladder, leaned it against the paneled wall, then climbed to gain access to an HVAC ceiling vent. He wiped it with a rag, sending clumps of dust down onto her wreath.

"Excuse me," Maddy called as he tightened the screws on the ceiling vent. "Would you mind not doing that?"

He ignored her, shoving the screwdriver into his tool belt.

She blew clumps of dust from her wreath, giving him the stink eye.

Haley adjusted the table centerpieces wearing an evil grin as she watched Leopold anxiously pacing. "Not your finest hour," she taunted.

Maddy grabbed a cookie from a serving tray and made her way across the room. Through a mouthful of cookie, she asked, "What did I miss?" while brushing crumbs from her diamond cardigan sweater.

"Did you notice the banner?" Haley replied loudly. "Hanging over the door? Out front?"

On the verge of tears, Leopold whined. "It wasn't even supposed to be my job."

"But it was your job and you totally biffed it. Is your resume up to date, Leopold?" Haley twisted the dagger. "Genius spelled Davenport with two N's. And he's not even being ironic."

Maddy's jaw dropped. "I didn't even notice."

"You walked right under the banner and didn't notice the eight-foot-long typo?!" Haley reveled in Leopold's self-inflicted dilemma. "You know the Davenport people are gonna notice. And so will Kendall."

"You gotta help me," Leopold pleaded.

"We need to get that banner down ASAP," said Maddy.

"Wait! What?!" Haley stiffened. "I've been living for this moment."

"If The Pitbull sees that banner, we'll all be ripped to shreds. Not just Leopold. She'll make this about all of us. You know I'm right."

Leopold walked in tight circles. "I called the service staff like a hundred times. Nobody's answering."

"Nobody's answering 'cuz I'm the only one here," the maintenance guy hollered as he climbed down from his perch. "And I ain't taking calls when I'm twelve feet up on a ladder."

"Well, you're not up on the ladder now," said Leopold. "So could you—"

"Not a chance," he replied. "I'm off the clock in two minutes." He stepped down onto the floor then lowered the extension ladder.

Reading the name stitched over his shirt pocket, Maddy turned on the charm. "Excuse me. Ryan."

He wiped his greasy hands with a rag.

"Can we borrow your ladder?"

"You got a hearing problem? I said I'm off the clock in two minutes," he snapped. "More like sixty seconds now."

"We just need the ladder."

"And somebody to climb it," Leopold added. "I'm scared of heights. Not exactly scared. Just not designed for high altitudes."

With every remark from Leopold, Haley grew progressively angrier. "I am not climbing a ladder in a cocktail dress and showing off my lady landscaping to this freak."

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