But She's Dancing With Another Man

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Maddy cringed when George helped her into her lint-covered coat. Maybe he didn't notice and if he did, hopefully, he'd extend her courtesy of not mentioning it. When she turned to face him, the look in his eyes indicated that he had other things on his mind.

"Did you enjoy your dinner?" he asked.

"The whole experience was totally Instagrammable but I was so overstimulated, it never even occurred to me until now."

"So I'll take that as a yes."

When the valet held the restaurant's blue door for them, a light dusting of powdery snow swirled across the pavement outside. With snowflakes in her eyelashes, Maddy recognized the familiar black Mercedes limo idling at the curb. Hubert opened the back door. Maddy slid onto the cream-colored leather seat, making room for George beside her.

Before the car had steered into traffic, she was in George's arms, their lips together. He kissed her gently and she responded, enjoying the sweet contact that raised her temperature.

In a break between kisses, he whispered, "I have an apartment uptown. Would you like to see it?"

"Let me think about it. Yes."

A long passionate kiss ensued.


They entered George's loft, kissing. When they broke, Maddy looked around. The sprawling loft, an open space featuring a dozen oversize windows, was breathtaking. The entire living space looked like an ad for Pottery Barn with its exposed wood beam ceilings. 

George grabbed a remote control from an oak side table and lit the fireplace. Rubbing his hands together he said, "That's better, right?"

"Nice." She slipped out of her heels then warmed herself by the fire. Large windows afforded a spectacular view of Manhattan's city lights sparkling against the night sky.

"Take off your coat and stay awhile," he said.

She unbuttoned her coat.

"No formalities here. Just throw it on the chair." He removed his topcoat and suit jacket and tossed them on the leather chair then loosened his tie.

"You gave your butler the night off?" she asked.

He grinned then replied, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Whatever you're having." She dropped her coat on top of his.

"I'm glad you didn't say water. That would be such a total waste of valuable time." 

"Water?" she replied. "Never heard of it."

He traveled through the room across a colorful patterned wool rug into the Carrara marble kitchen area.

"He knows the water remark was a joke, right?" she wondered, inching closer to the fireplace. "Geez, I hope I didn't come off sounding like an alcoholic."

She went to the closest window, admiring the view.  As George filled two glasses with ice and small-batch bourbon, she wandered over to a side table, discreetly pulling open a drawer and taking a quick peek inside.

He returned to the cozy living room space, handing her a drink. "For the record, let me say I am not married nor have I ever been married." He raised his left hand displaying a naked ring finger.

"Oh, I didn't..." Embarrassed, she averted her eyes. "I mean I didn't think..."

"In my study, you'll find framed photos of a beautiful woman and her two equally beautiful kids."

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