Jingle Bell Rock(s)

78 13 71

Maddy stopped halfway out the door, keys in hand, as George approached. He was devastatingly handsome, impeccably dressed in a long gray cashmere overcoat and matching striped scarf. She knew that this wasn't going to be easy.

"Merry Christmas, Maddy." He beamed his killer smile, his chest rising and falling.

She crossed her arms. "You could have saved yourself eight flights if we'd met at the park like I asked."

"I would've gladly climbed twenty more flights just to see you."

"Weird flex, but okay."

His voice softened. "Climbing these stairs brought back awesome memories of the Filbert Street steps on the way up to Coit Tower. But the view here is even better." He drew closer, pulling off his leather gloves.

As he raised a hand to pet her cheek she withdrew, further irritated by his attempts at manipulation. "I may still be confused by the New York subway system and admittedly will never be able to draw a high-level software architecture diagram but I'm not an idiot."

"Of course, you're not an idiot."

"Then don't treat me like I am."

"I came to apologize. That's all. I know that I hurt you and it's literally killing me."

She glanced over her shoulder into the apartment, watching her parents scramble through the living room to sequester themselves in her bedroom.

Determined to break the ice, George said, "Standing out here in the hallway on Christmas Day, goes against every romantic convention. How are we supposed to have a happily ever after?"

"This story might have a surprise ending."

"Is there any chance we could discuss this inside?"

Suspecting that she'd given her mom and dad ample time to hide out in the bedroom, Maddy relented. "Okay. Come on in."

He followed her into the apartment, making a rapid evaluation of her living quarters. "It has a certain squalid charm. I had a place like this in grad school. It brings back a lot of memories."

"I'll bet it does."

Eying the massive tree, he said, "Did you steal the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree?"

She wasn't in the mood for humor. She removed the jewelry gift box from her bag then placed it on the table. "I can't accept this."

"You can't accept a Christmas present?"

"That's not what this is."

He let out a deep sigh, his broad shoulders slumping. "Listen. I made a mistake. A huge mistake and I regret it."

"I'm the one who made a mistake."

"No, you didn't. I was confused because I've never had these feelings for a woman before."

"Puh-lease." Maddy rolled her eyes.

He took a half step forward. "I know, I know. But it's the truth. You're different."

"Right. I don't have giant boobs or dress like a stripper."

"What you saw the other night was the old me. Because of you, that guy no longer exists."

"Doesn't exist? That guy was alive and well with Mali-boob Barbie."

His face flushed with embarrassment.

"You're a predator, George."

"In what sense?"

"Every. You said it yourself. You see something you want and you go after it. But what you didn't say is that once you get it, you need a new challenge. Because the thrill is in the hunt, isn't it?"

"Maddy, my hunting days are over. Believe me."

She wasn't convinced.

He made a last-ditch effort. "We pulled our business from Pitman."

"You didn't need to do that."

"Let's be honest. You were the only reason we kept the account there in the first place. Pitman's a total pain in the ass." He took her hand in his. "Listen. I'd still like you to handle the digital integration."

"What else would you like me to handle?"

"You'd be working with Jiang and our group in San Francisco. With a big pay raise, obviously."


He gave the apartment a disparaging look. "You could live like an adult. Think of the life we could have together."

"The job offer, the jewelry. It feels like you're trying to buy me."

"Maybe I am. A little. But just enough so you'll give me another chance."

Maddy shook her head.

"I think I'm in love with you, Maddy. And I know you have feelings for me, too." He opened the gift box toward her. The diamond necklace sparkled. "You know you do."

"When I run the numbers it all adds up. I could live the life I've always dreamed of."

"You could dream even bigger."

She closed the box, then pushed it back at him. "But it doesn't feel right. Nathan feels right."

"You're willing to give up everything I'm offering for that... that goofy kid?!" George clenched his jaw.

"Yeah, maybe he was a goofy kid. But he's grown up. A lot. And I think that I'm mostly the reason that he did. So, when I think about who deserves a second chance... It's not you." She gestured toward the door. "Merry Christmas, George."

He grabbed her wrist, startling her.

"Take your hands off of me!"

He was angry. Maddy had never seen his temper on display. "You're throwing your life away. Maybe you are an idiot."

"Can I just say how inappropriate this is? And how suddenly creepy you are?"

He pulled her close and growled, "I'm giving you one last chance. Think about it. You have no job. You have no prospects. Without me, this city will eat you alive."

She ripped out of his grasp. "I'll take my chances."

"You're making an epic mistake."

"Goodbye, George."

Both heads turned when they heard a commotion in her bedroom.

"Is he here? That guy?" George's eyes clouded with anger.

"No," she said. "It's someone else."

"You hypocritical slut," he snarled. As he started for the door, he grabbed a buttercream cookie from Maddy's Kay-Dee's Bake Shop gift box.

She shrieked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm having a Christmas cookie. Is there a problem?"

"Gimme those." She yanked the box away from him.

"You know, you could stand to lose some of that baby fat. Just sayin'."

"Oh, that's classy."

She held open the door, watching him stomp across the hallway and down the stairs.

"Enjoy therapy," he fired a parting shot.

"Enjoy hell!" she countered before retreating into her apartment and slamming the door.

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