'Twas The Night Before Christmas

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In the bathroom, Maddy turned off her hairdryer. She tied her bathrobe closed then peeked into the bedroom. Only five minutes ago, Nathan was fast asleep in her bed, cozy and warm under the covers, his back to the morning sunlight streaming through the window. The faint smell of their lovemaking lingered but the room was empty.

Maddy dashed out of the bathroom and through the vacant bedroom. "Merry Christmas Eve!" she shouted. She found Nathan in the kitchen opening a takeout container.

"How old is this Chinese thing?" He sniffed the contents.

"I wouldn't eat that if I were you."

He placed the carton on the counter. "Your apartment is totally awesome! So much nicer than my crusty little studio in Chinatown."

"Yeah, thanks. I like it."

His eyes went to the long boxes of gift-wrapped roses protruding from the trash bin.

"I don't wanna talk about that. Okay?" Her anxiety level rose. "Sorry to be rude, but I gotta get dressed, change the sheets, and clean up before my mom and dad get here."

"Merry Christmas Eve." He wrapped his arms around her. "Last night was really nice. It was awesome to - you know - be back again with you, Maddy." He kissed her gently on the forehead.

She broke the embrace when her phone buzzed. "Mom and Dad just landed! They should be here in an hour or so." She ushered him into the living room.

He admired the tree while slipping into his coat. "So, I'll see you later?" He tried to put the smile back on her face.


She herded him toward the door. When he opened it, a small wrapped package sat in the doorway. He picked it up, read the tag, then handed it to her.

There was an awkward pause during which Maddy accepted the package and placed it on the table.

Looking deflated, he asked, "Aren't you gonna open it?"

"Maybe later." She gave him a peck on the lips.

"So, we're good?"

"You couldn't tell?"

"Last night, definitely. But today..." His voice was almost a whisper.

"I'm just nervous about my parents coming. You know how I get. It's their first time in New York and everything."

"Yeah. I get that." He glanced at the package. "But are you sure you still want me to come for dinner?"

"I mean if you don't have other plans. I know it's Christmas Eve and–"

"There's no place I'd rather be," he said. "And nobody I'd rather spend Christmas Eve with." He pulled her into a long, hard kiss, hugging her fiercely.

When they separated she caught her breath. "See you later, okay?"

He responded with a giddy smile then rambled down the staircase.

Maddy closed the door then reluctantly stepped toward the table, her eyes on the package. She tore off the wrapping paper to find a jewelry box inside. She pried open the lid and nearly dropped the box when she discovered a sparkling diamond necklace inside.

A note read: You are far more precious to me. Please forgive me. Love, George


From her perch at the front door, Maddy watched a cab lurch to the curb accompanied by the squealing of brakes. The driver got out, walked to the rear of the vehicle, then struggled to remove luggage from the trunk.

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