Come Fly With Me

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There was a noticeable lack of holiday cheer in the conference room. In fact, the mood was downright dark. Kendall Pitman sat at the end of the table, arms crossed, face tight, Madison and Haley to her right, Leopold and Sophie to her left.

The Davenport team congregated at the opposite end of the table. James Coughlin cleared his throat frequently, the icy Shira Parker glared, and George's phone held his attention.

An untouched platter of brightly decorated holiday cookies sat at the center of the table.

Maddy kept her eyes focused on her laptop. She didn't dare look at her boss. When Kendall was in her mood, direct eye contact could trigger ignition. There weren't documented cases of employees bursting into flames as far as Maddy knew, but there were definitely rumors.

"Soooo," Maddy began. "I've been securing retractions for that attack piece that went viral on Tuesday."

"This is outrageous." George read from his phone. "Inside sources reveal that Davenport Pharmaceuticals is at it again, rushing a dangerous medication to pharmacy shelves before receiving FDA approval. The product, thought to suppress viral infections, has known side effects that include sterility, blindness, rectal bleeding, and hair loss. Who comes up with this crap?"

"The only thing missing," said Maddy, "Is torch-wielding townsfolk."

"Madison!" Kendall barked. "There's nothing humorous here."

George grinned.

"Interesting side note," James Coughlin said. "Our research indicates that consumers choose  products with side effects such as stroke, heart attack, and death over products with vanity side effects such as bloating, hair loss, or dry skin."

"Yes, very interesting," Kendall said, unable to suppress her typical patronizing tone.

Shira's eyes twitched. "Anonymous source I imagine behind the fake name on that libelous press release."

"Most likely," George replied.

Kendall clasped her hands together on the polished table. "Rest assured, Leopold will track them down."

Leopold went pale then blurted out, "This is why web security is so crucial." He glared at Haley. "Haley still hasn't installed the security patch I sent out two months ago."

"Seriously, Leopold?" Haley's eyes narrowed. "We're doing this now? In front of clients?"

"That's enough, Haley," Kendall commanded.

Haley's head nearly exploded.

"Would anyone like a cookie?" Sophie gestured toward the platter.

No takers.

"Madison," Kendall said. "Please continue."

"I've sent each of you a draft of the push-back document," said Maddy. "Listing Davenport's long history of regulatory compliance and the company's reputation for transparency. Say the word, and we'll blast it to every news agency, blog, and social platform."

Coughlin, Shira, and George nodded their approval as they read through the document.

"We've already put out the fire," said Maddy. "We're just clearing away the smoke."

Coughlin said, "By the way, we like the new website design." 

"That's Haley's work," Maddy said.

"Thanks." Haley grinned.

"It's a much-needed improvement." Coughlin nodded.

George met Maddy's eyes. "Good work," he said.

When the meeting concluded, and the Davenport team had packed up and exited, Maddy, Haley, Sophie, and Leopold descended on the cookies.

"Hey!" Leopold whined when Haley snatched a snowflake cookie. "That's the one I wanted."

"Here you go, snowflake." Haley licked the cookie then offered it to him.

"Ew. You are so disgusting." He grimaced.

"That's the closest you'll ever get to female saliva," she said. "Unless someone spits on you."

"That's gross, rude, sexist and--"

"True," Haley said, taking a bite of the cookie.

Sophie laughed. Leopold stomped out, laptop under his arm.

When Maddy and Haley exited the conference room, George intercepted Maddy. "Do you have a minute?"

Haley gave Maddy a wink then headed to her cubicle.

"Look, I need to attend a tech meeting in San Francisco," he said. "I think it would be valuable for you to come along. You are the digital integration expert, aren't you?"

"I'm a copywriter."

"Perfect. You should definitely come."



"This Thursday?"

He nodded.

"I don't know if I can clear it with Ms. Pitman."

"That won't be a problem." He smiled. "People like to make me happy."

"I'm not sure if I can book flights on such short notice."

"We'll be flying the Davenport jet."

Maddy's mind raced. How was she going to get out of this one?

"We'd fly out Wednesday evening and back Friday afternoon."


"We'll have separate rooms."

Maddy's face flushed. "Of course. Can I get back to you later?"

"You have my number. Call it."


At their usual corner table in the neighborhood bar, Haley pressed. "How is this even an issue? Of course, you're going."

"I don't want him to think he can control me like that," Maddy replied.

Haley groaned. "Don't ruin this with your stupid logic."

The waiter appeared, setting a cocktail in front of Haley. "Christmas martini for you." She stirred the vibrant red drink with the cranberry and orange slice garnish and sipped.

"And the house Moscato for the lady," he said, serving the wine glass to Maddy.

"How's your drink?" Maddy whispered to Haley. "Looks like a chemistry experiment gone horribly wrong."

"It's actually pretty good. Better than that cheap ass wine you always order."

Maddy sipped. "Yeah. It's pretty bad."

"Look, girlfriend. You'll be three time zones away from The Pitbull, with a super cute guy who's crushing on you big time. And you need to be talked into this?"

"I didn't say I wasn't going."

"Like you even have a choice."

Maddy took another sip. "This wine is awful."

"Maybe order something else for a change? Like maybe a nice Zinfandel?" Haley sipped her holiday cocktail. "If George tells The Pitbull that he wants you to come with him, you're going with him. Full stop."


"And who says no to a private jet?"

"Well,... I have always wanted to see San Francisco."

"It's an all-expenses-paid trip with Mr. Dreamy. Call him!"

"Okay! Stop selling." Maddy rubbed her forehead.

"Wine headache again?"

"I'm not sure."

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