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"Luffy's not here," grumbled Zoro.

  He hated it when the phone rang during his afternoon nap.  And he also hated when Nami called about Luffy's whereabouts like he was his guardian angel.  Luffy sucked at keeping his phone charged and on his person.  Zoro did not care that besides her that Luffy spent most of his time with him.

"I wasn't calling about that."

"Well, what is it then? Make it quick."

"I have something to confess."


"I like Luffy."

"You what?"

"I li-"

"I heard what you said.  So there really is a God... You're serious?"

"I don't joke about things like that."

Zoro was now wide awake and even moved to stand.  This was ground-breaking news. 

"You've liked him for a long time, haven't you?"

"No... I mean yes."

"Knew it."

Zoro mentally high-fived himself and made a mental note to treat himself to a beer or two.  He was unable to prove her wrong ever since they met.  She was smart.  Not just book smart but street so to have her admit defeat was a call for celebration. 

"So did you tell him?"


"Why not?"

"That's why I'm calling."

Zoro listened on. 

"Has Luffy... When you two are together, does Luffy talk about me?"

"It's hard to get him to shut up."

"Really?" Came Nami's response.  He couldn't decide if she was happy or distraught.  Women took forever to make their minds up and Zoro found that particularly annoying. 

"Nami this and Nami that."

"What exactly?"

"Where you guys went, what you guys saw and did.  The usual."

"Oh okay."

"He calls you cute all the damn time."

Zoro sat on his bed and polished his collectable katana.   He was a kendo student but there was nothing like holding a real sword compared to a wooden one.  And boy was he obsessed. 

"Yo Zoro."

Unfortunately, his best friend had paid him a visit and Zoro was so absorbed in his hobby that he forgot that he existed.



"Look at these pictures Nami and I took during our walk on the beach on Monday."

"I don't care about-"

"Just look!"

Luffy shoved his phone in his face and Zoro was forced to watch a slideshow of random junk he had zero interest in.  Birds, rocks, sand, feet??  You name it. 

"Look at this one we took together."

Sure enough in the picture, they stood side by side with arms around each other's waists both ankle-deep in the water.  Both were smiling.  Nami's smile was the biggest.  Her eyes were closed and her mouth had a smile that looked like it laughed a thousand laughs. The strong wind played with their free hair and the waves splashed up against them when they least expected it.  They both looked like they were having a blast.  A stranger seemingly took the picture for them.  They rarely took anyone along during their escapades. 

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