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Now thanks to a quick google search for Hokkaido hotels with a beachfront as well as other commodities to boot, the hotel Luffy and Nami will be staying at is called 'Akkan Tsuruga Besso Hinanoza'. It's a luxury hotel and by the pictures, it's amazing (and expensive!).

Author-san didn't look into many details (cause she lazy *cough*) so please don't come for her for getting the details where the landscape and surrounding community are involved. This is called 'fan-fiction' for a reason.

Nami could not believe her eyes upon their arrival.

The place was beautiful and had traditional charm. She could not contain her excitement seeing the steam flowing from the nearby onsens. Even Luffy was just as excited more for a new adventure with his best friend than the hotel itself but he had to admit that it was nice too. Better than any place he had stayed with his dad, and his dad did appreciate a nice hotel.

"Monkey D.? Is Garp your grandfather?"

"Yeah." Luffy brightened. "How do you know my gramps?"

The receptionist only smiled some more. A cigarette dangled between her lips despite the no-smoking sign on the wall just behind her.

She removed it and graced it between her middle and index fingers as she leaned on the counter to give Luffy her full attention. Her chin resting in her hand, her smile never leaving her lips.

"Name's Shakky. Me and your grandfather go way back."

Luffy's eyes went super wide. "How old are you baa-chan?"

For a woman who knew his gramps way back, she had to be old. However, she did not look it.

Suddenly, a tug came at Luffy's ear and he hissed and complained.

Shakky blinked and grew amused.

"Don't ask women their age, Luffy. That's rude."

Nami arrived from successfully convincing their taxi driver for a discount just in time to catch Luffy in another one of his bad habits.

"I'm sorry about that. He's an idiot."

Shakky's eyes danced between the handsome couple.

Luffy sprouted tears while nursing his blistered ear and Nami stood opposite him with a hand on her hip and an accusing finger pointed his way, lecturing him about common decency.

"Are you two a couple?"

"N-" Luffy began but Nami cut him off.

"Yes, we are!"

On queue, Luffy nodded profusely which was the best he could do since he was the worst liar who ever walked the earth.

He had been in this situation before. It was Nami's way of getting them free stuff. Not that he minded. It had its perks and he was all for it.

Shakky smiled more. And even more when the pretty orange number lodged herself to Monkey-chan's side to add merit to their claim.

"We had a room ready for the lucky winners but for a couple, we can't give you any plain old room, can we? So," she winked at Luffy, "I'll upgrade you to one of our nicer suites, how's that?"

She watched with delight as Luffy's friend squeezed his arm in excitement. Her eyes shone like stars. It was all too cute.

"Thank you."

"Let's just say that I'm helping out an old friend. And let this be our little secret okay?"

Luffy nodded and smiled and Shakky took the rest info and handed them each keys to their room.

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