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WARNING: Mentions of self-harm.  

Changes:  Genre changed from Friendship & Drama to Friendship & Hurt and Comfort

Nami woke before dawn to use the restroom. She blinked at her surroundings and remembered right away how she had fallen asleep and dreaded the thought of moving.

His hold on her was a light one and Nami used it to her advantage to sneak away, half expecting the headache that followed.

She groaned and brewed a cup of coffee afterwards, gulping it in seconds to slip beside Luffy once more. Unfortunately, he was awake. Stirred by the strong smell of coffee no doubt.

"You're up."

"Sorry to wake you, Luffy."

She wished he would wrap his arms around her just the same but Luffy had brighter ideas.

"Morning," he said, rubbing his eyes and he stopped upon seeing that it was still pitch dark outside.

"What time is it?" he asked.

The digital clock marked 4:50 am and Luffy moved to stand.

Nami made a face and huffed to herself wishing he'd come back.

"Let's go," he said and before Nami could question it, a couple of minutes after, they found themselves on the beach.

"You wanted to watch the sunrise, didn't you?"

Nami, still hungover was battling to keep alert. She did want to but not like this with the headache and all, but decided to make the most out of it. It was sweet alone that Luffy remembered.

"Are you okay?"

"Trying to be. But I'll be okay."

Luffy found a spot and together they sat and waited in silence. She rested her head on his arm and closed her eyes when his head came to rest on hers.

It was almost romantic. Almost.

Minus the growls in both their bellies that made them giggle and groan. Not to mention the itchy sand beneath them. They regretted not bringing some snacks and a blanket.

When it happened, it wasn't as exciting as they thought but it did turn out beautiful.

"Let's go swimming."

Nami laughed at the supposed joke but shut away her giggles when Luffy discarded his shirt and bottoms and she blushed at the sight of him standing like an idiot in just his boxer shorts.

"You can't be serious."

He took off without her and without thinking, Nami stripped down to her bra and underwear and plunged into the water's blue.

When she resurfaced, it didn't take long to spot Luffy drowning some distance away and like some sick joke, his hand was the last to sink and she swam over and grabbed him by the arms and steadied them both on their feet.

The water was shallow. Met them both barely above their shoulders.


He may have ventured farther than he usually would have. All in the name of impressing her, no doubt but failed miserably.

Luffy grinned wide and bright, competing with the overhanging sun now above them.

Smitten, Nami caressed his face and her heart fluttered gently when he leaned his head in her palm with a snicker.

"What am I going to do with you, Luffy?"

He shrugged eliciting a smile from his best friend and Nami wrapped arms around him and closed her eyes at the feel of his arms surrounding her.

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