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Tangled in his grimy sheets, Nami watched ahead of her as the surgeon discarded his shirt and climbed on top.

He went for her lips but without knowing why, Nami turned away from him and squeaked when he had her neck instead, crying out when he bit her barely enough to bruise the skin and pulled her hair.

Law never liked his women quiet. No matter how much he touched and fondled her, she did not make a sound or give a reaction. Adding a little pinch in the mix did the trick but she still was not responding to him. Not in the way he wanted.

He tried kissing her again but she turned away once more much to his annoyance.

It took him a minute too long to recognize her shaking.

"Never done this before?"

"That's none of your business."

Law liked to make love to his women but this one wanted things the hard way.

"Fine," he said and tugged at her jeans.

Nami thought she was over it, she really did but she wasn't and the flashbacks had her gasping for air.

"What's wrong with you?" Law asked but didn't mean to offend the lady as she sprang up with a vengeance.

"There is nothing wrong with me."

Nami's eyes went wide and suddenly Luffy was all she could think about. She wished she didn't.

Damn him.

The sound of an unbuckled belt made her come to her senses.

Her heart quickened and her throat went dry but she eased herself back down.

She could do this.

Her virginity wasn't something she was saving for some special occasion or special someone. Since meeting Luffy, she was so caught up in his company that the act and lack thereof didn't bother her. Getting a boyfriend in college was just to be a part of the crowd. Some girls wanted their first time to be special. Nami thought it an utter nuisance.

Losing it would prove that her so-called love for Luffy was all in her head and a result of pesky hormones.

She didn't belong to him, she belonged to herself and she could do whatever she wanted with her body.

She had to do this.

But what would Luffy think of her?

Who gave a damn what he thought?

Nami flinched at her thoughts.

Law touched her hand and Nami pulled it away.

"You don't want this, do you?"

"I do."

Law was disbelieving.

"Lose them, then."

"Lose what?"

He pointed at her white cotton underwear and Nami ready to prove him wrong reached for the skimpy fabric.

Then something snapped inside her.









Nami couldn't do it.

She couldn't do it. Not to herself. Not to Luffy. She wouldn't dare dream of disappointing him again and the thought broke her into a million pieces.

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