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This was it. The world had gone to shit because Monkey D. Luffy was met with the feeling of death at his door the minute he woke up.

He moaned groggily and curled in on his side, trying his hardest not to crush Nami in his hold.

... Nami?

She was softer than usual so when Luffy finally opened his eyes he was disappointed to see he was holding a pillow all this time.

Suddenly, he hissed and grabbed his head. It hurt so much he wanted to cry.

He threw the covers over his head in want to go back to sleep but he wanted to know at least where Nami was. He failed to see the note on the side table.

He hugged the pillow again but threw it off the bed a minute later. It was not the same.

The moment he sat up, he instantly regretted it. The migraine only amplified and a sick appeared in his stomach.

Nami returned to their room and unhinged her bag with groceries and rested them on the living room table. There was not a kitchen in the room so they had to stick to food from the convenience store. She also got some pain meds, cup noodles and a couple of fruit.

Nami gave her haul a once over and smiled proud to herself. She considered herself an expert at this point when it came to hangovers. Not that she needed all this. It was mostly for Luffy. Had to battle out of his hold that morning but managed. A pillow was a great replacement. She was also glad she woke up first because one look in the mirror, she looked like she'd been run over one too many times. Her hair was in disarray, her skin hated her for sleeping in makeup and it showed. The eye bags and the morning alcohol breath made her feel and look like she came straight out of a horror movie and she would rather die than have Luffy see her in such state.

She quickly showered and changed. Wrote him a note and left to pick up a few needed items from the grocery store because she knew he was going to need it once he woke up. It was his first hangover to her knowledge and she was curious to see how he was going to handle it.

She had one too of course but all she had was a coffee. It always worked for her. One cup and she was well again. The migraines weren't as bad anymore either. She was used to her alcohol. Hangovers had nothing on her.

Nami really hoped to come back in time to see Luffy's sleeping face but a sudden heaving sound coming from the bathroom flushed all plans down the drain.

There were tears on Luffy's cheeks and his eyes were ghostly red and swollen. His shallowed breathing wasn't helping either as he hurled over and over again in the toilet. His throat was raw and he felt the worst he ever did in all his life.

Nami combed his hair away from his face in vain and continued to rub his back firmly in circles.

Together they sat on the bathroom floor in silence.

Once the puking calmed down, Luffy heavy breathed into the bowl and groaned at the headache that reminded him that the ordeal was not over yet.

He reached up and flushed the toilet and pressed his head in his folded arms a top his knees.

"Better?" asked Nami and Luffy scoffed. Not only was he in a sour mood, he was embarrassed to say the least. The room stank of vomit. He needed a shower and to brush his teeth. Felt like garbage.

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