He's Back.

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I  am so excited,  this weekend is going to be all about me and Sophie.  After a tiring day, we found the twins. I need to start packing for that trip I promised Sophie. Clothes, check, tooth brush, check, hair brush, lip stick, mine and Sophie's passport.  I was basically finished packing when I heard a knock at the door. Must be my mom and Sophie. Hey mom and thanks so much. My mom handed me a sleeping Sophie. I can't wait to see the look in her face when she wakes up and she's in Disney World. I got the luggages and put them in the car and made sure I had everything and head to the airport. Everything went smoothly, and we are finally on the plane and Sophie is still knocked out. A 3 hour flight is pretty short but I need all the rest I can get.  It's now about 3 am and we are in Disney world. We got a fancy room. I put Sophie in the bed to continue sleeping because well she's sleeping. I got our stuff packed out and went to bed.
          Saturday Morning.
I was still sleeping when I started waking up because I felt jumping on the bed. Mommy !! Mommy! Sophie said, WHERE ARE WE? Good morning my lady bug, you wanna take a guess as to where we are ? Umm, the North Pole? Sophie asked. Ha! No you little chipmunk. I'll show you. I got up and opened the blind folds. Through the window you could see a  view of Disney World. Sophie ran up to the window and said NOOOO WAYYYY MOMMY R U SEWIUS ? DISNEY. Her face lit up as she started jumping up and down with excitement. Sophie and I showered then we got ready for Disney. We explored, took pictures with Mickey and went on a lot of rides. I can't believe Sophie convinced me to go on rollercoasters. We spent all day outside and it was about 8pm when we went back to our hotel. I carried Sophie back while she was sleeping in my arms because she was so tired. When it was 3 am I had to wake up and start packing because we had a 5am flight. I had to wake Sophie up and she was not pleased. She was grumpy and sleepy .We got on the plane and arrived at 8 am. I'm surprised Sophie was up the entire flight. We took a cab home, showered, brush our teeth's and went back out for breakfast. We got pancakes, bacons and eggs from I-Hop. After that we went back home and went to sleep. When my mom came around 8pm we were still asleep. I heard knocking on the door and that was my mom telling me to get my ass up. My mom brought us dinner we sat, ate and watched the Little Mermaid , Sophie's choice. My mom took her to her place. I started cleaning up and prepping myself for work tomorrow. After that I went sleep and woke up at 6:00 am for work.
Monday Morning
When I got to work I saw Elliot suiting at a desk. What are you doing here ? Well I'm at work Elliot said . YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME I YELL. You left and I'm pretty sure you don't work here so do me a favor and get the hell out. You always appear in fucking places that you are not wanted. Cragen came out and said " enough LIV!! The both of you have the day off and you're going to figure out what the hell happened between the two of you. Because like it or not, both of you are going be partners. Go to the roof, there are chairs up their figure it out ! And I don't want to see your faces until you've figured it out. That's an ORDER!" Well my day can't get any worse. Elliot and I started to head up to the roof. When we got there I sat down and so did he. We sat their in silence for 15 minutes when he said "LIV we need to talk."


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Their outfits in Disney World and hotel room

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Their outfits in Disney World and hotel room.

Their outfits in Disney World and hotel room

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Heyyy guys, I am alive

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Heyyy guys, I am alive. Been busy with senior year of highschool , sorry that I took so long to update. I love how we can get Rollisi but not BENSLER.🙄 We waited a long time for it like come onnn! Season 23 better give what it's supposed to.

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