The hunt for elliot's kids part 2

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                        Liv's POV
The sketch guy was finishing up his drawing based on Elliot's description.Why does he look so familiar?I ask myself .Think Liv think I said to myself but I just couldn't remember why he seemed so familiar while everyone else was working on finding Elliot's kids there were other people in need of help and I could not deny them that.I started making phone calls about other cases we had been working on before this whole Elliot thing happened.I've been so focused on everyone that I forgot I needed to cherish the people close to me.I need to spend more time with my daughter and stop finding every excuse of why she needs to stay with my mom.Then it came to me Carlos Ryle that son of a bitch.Guys the guy that has Elliot's kids is Carlos Ryle .Everybody started working rapidly on finding him.His whereabouts,if he was still in prison or not.I needed I break from this case,it's just too much.Finn I'm taking my lunch break.I didn't wait for a response I just left.I went to a cafe near by and got a caramel latte because it always soothes me.I took out my phone and started looking at pictures of my baby girl,I smiled while going back down memory lane.I remember being pregnant with her.I was so scared when I found out and Elliot left me high and dry and pregnant.Im glad one good thing came out of my heart break and agony.
Elliot's POV
So here's what we've got Carlos Ryles has been out of jail for 3 months with not current house address.Hey,Finn why don't we take a crack at the wife Saelena Miller if I recall correctly that's what she changed her name to.Let's go Elliot said Finn.They got into the car and drove to her address.Knock...Knock...Knock... They had to knock 5 times before there was a answer.Salena opened the door...What the hell do you guys want?!I didn't do anything .Finn then said who said you did something? You're assuming you did something that's why we're here.Maybe you're right,maybe you did do something ,I'm not really sure but we'll figure that out won't we Saelena.Salena gulped nervously.Where is Carlos? asked Finn,I have no idea,why the hell would I know where that physco is after he tried to kill our child.Listen he has my kids and it's either you talk are we can take this down to the station because I swear to god if any any and I mean any harm comes to them you will be going down for his actions too Elliot stated angrily.Okay okay all I know is he's living out in the woods in a cabin she then went for a piece of paper with an address on it, here that's all I know he said I should come visit him sometime and that he had changed I promise you I didn't know he started up that madness again she said while sobbing.Thanks for making it easy for us Finn said sarcastically.I'm calling cap and letting him know that we got an address said Elliot.

Sorry for the long wait,I've been extremely busy with school and moving so phone screen is cracked so that's just great and I'm sure by now you guys heard the amazing news Chris Meloni is having his own spinoff show where he will resume his role as Elliot Stable 🎉

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