Heart to Heart

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Liv and Elliot headed up to the roof to have this long awaited conversation that has been over their heads for  years. Elliot sat down while Liv decided she would rather stand.
Elliot sat down and all I wanted to do was kick him and the chair that he was sitting in over. Liv we don't have to actually talk because Cap, I cut him off before he could get the change to finish. We don't have to fucking talk are you fucking serious!?! You have no idea what I went through because you left. You just left, no hey Liv, I'm going to leave or anything at all. But you know what you did do though, had the audacity to fuck me, say those three words that you knew would make me believe that you actually did, but I  was stupid enough to believe.

Now that's not fair and you know it isn't!! I was a fucking mess Liv. I could not put you through me going through my bullshit like usual again. You've been there for me over and over again and I was not in the right mental state to be there for you like I knew you needed.

Oh! You weren't in the right mental state huh ? Must of been some mental state for you to fuck me then just up and leave not for a week or month but 3 damn years Elliot, 3!!

Elliot's POV
Liv stop saying I just fucked you and left because I didn't and you know that. If I wanted to fuck you, you and I both know I could have and would have done that a long time ago.....

* SLAPS HIM ACROSS HIS CHEEK* HOW DARE YOU !! How dare imply that I was an easy lay because I finally allowed myself to love you without feeling guilty. Tears were rolling down my cheek and I still can't believe what he just said to me, I guess some things never change.

Elliot's POV
*feels the sting left behind of Liv bitch slapping him* Fuck Liv, that hurt. You didn't let me finish speaking. You keep going on and on about how I fucked you and left. I didn't fuck you and leave Liv. I made love to you and left. I don't know what you went through in the years that I wasn't there and that's on me. I should have checked in and checked up on you. I shouldn't have made love to you knowing I was going through my own family drama with Kathy and the kids while knowing I was planning to leave. That was a crappy thing to do on my part. I am sorry Liv. I am sorry that put you through all of that. I know it will take us a while to be in the position we were in before I left, but all I'm asking for is a second chance Liv

It doesn't matter what you say now El. The damaged has already been done. You didn't think about me when you making your plans to leave. Having sex or "making love to me" as you put it was okay because we were both consenting adults. You a crossed a line when you knowingly had sex with me knowing you were planning to leave. You crossed a line that you shouldn't have.

Elliot's POV
I know I messed up big time. I know I did, and nothing can change the pain I caused you. I can only tell you how sorry I am...

I felt used and degraded like I have never been before. I finally had sex with my best friend and he just up and left. Do you know what was running through my mind Elliot *voice shaking*. Maybe I didn't meet up with his expectations in bed maybe that's why he left, or maybe this was his chance to just fuck me and find a way out or just maybe maybe he was looking for another notch in his belt and I was it.

Elliot's POV
Liv don't you EVER dare think that you weren't good in bed or I was just looking to sleep with you then leave. I truly wasn't. You are the most headstrong and beautiful woman I have met. You are that and much more.

Well it's good to know that I wasn't bad in bed but as I said before El a line has been crossed that shouldn't have and that was an asshole move El..

Elliot's POV
Liv! Liv ! Don't walk away

*liv walking away* I don't really have  anything else to say to you El *as she continues to walk to the door* except, hey you ass, you have another kid....

TO BE CONTINUED..........TBC.......TBC.........TBC......TBC........TBC........TBC........

I know I know, I took forever to update. I hate when I'm reading a story and the author takes forever to update. I unfortunately became one of those authors. So I truly apologize. Your girl is in College now so just bare with me. How have y'all been? Are you y'all ready for tomorrow night's episode!?? Like I'm so excited and hoping we at least get a kiss 😘 from EO. Here are some pictures from the cast- love, fire_fairyland🧚🏼‍♂️.

 Here are some pictures from the cast- love, fire_fairyland🧚🏼‍♂️

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