CH.2 Happy Faces

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Sitting around the clubhouse, waiting for Happy and Kozik. So we can go see Aleers, 'D' or Demon. God she is beautiful and she has fire. 5'5" for her height, maybe 120 pounds soaking wet. Tone and tan body. Perfect old lady material for me. I don't think I can one and done her, like the other girls I have met up here.

"Em.. time to go!" Alec says as he walks past me and outside.

Following Happy and Kozik to Aleera's house. It only took about 10 minutes to get there. Nice house overlooking the water. Getting off my bike I notice 2 cars in the driveway. "She got a roommate?" I ask, looking at Happy.

"The nurse from the hospital." Kozik says, looking at me then the house. "Be nice, they are good girls." He says with anger. I look at Alec as he puts his hand over his heart and I laugh at him.

Hap and Kozik just walk into their house. "Aleera! Rebekah! Where are you two?" Hap yells as soon as he steps into the house.

"Kitchen!" We hear. Happy walks to the kitchen as we walk inside and look around.

"Take a set. "Kozik says looking around the house. The nurse Rebekah I think is her name comes in the living room.

"Hello again, Alec right?" She asks, looking at Alec as he stands up. "How's your friend doing?" She says with a laugh.

"Yeah, Rebekah right?" Alec says and she nods. "Past out drooling somewhere!!" Alec says as we laugh. Kozik comes in and walks right to her kissing her head and whispering in her ear and she nods her head at him.

"Talking... Back yard!" she says with a sly smirk. Kozik's eyes go wide as he runs to go find them. about 2 minutes later he comes back with Aleera over his shoulder and Happy behind him with a bloody nose.

"Did they say why they are bringing three Samcro members here?" Rebekah asks as we take down pictures of our fathers that hang in our house

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"Did they say why they are bringing three Samcro members here?" Rebekah asks as we take down pictures of our fathers that hang in our house.

"Yeah to make sure I don't rat them out for killing my boss earier today." I say with venom in my voice.

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