CH.13 The accident

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

❌Talk of rape❌

I was a little surprised to find out that Gemma was in a car accident on her way home

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I was a little surprised to find out that Gemma was in a car accident on her way home. I looked at Emmett and he and Alec were talking off in the corner. I watch as one of the guys from last night walked past us. He looked at me and smiled. I wanted to call my dad... Something about this guy didn't sit right with me. But before I could, Jax's girlfriend came walking out. I don't know what it is about her, but I don't like her. She smiles at me but I just glare at her.

"Gemma is fine other than a few cuts and bruises. Other than that she is doing just fine." Tara says, I watch as she looks over at me and then to Jax. Emmett wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. I don't look at him as he kisses my neck.

"Glare any harder then and you and Jax will have to talk about why you don't like her." He says as I continue to glare at doctor bitch. I know she is lying to the club and I know it is because of Gemma.

"Jax already knows I don't trust her... There is just something I don't like about her. She is shady and should not be trusted!" I say as Alec laughs.

"You and me both sister! Couldn't agree more." Alec says as we watch Jax and Tara walk away. Something is not right about any of this. After the guys left to do club business. I stayed as I knew that this car accident was just all for show. Gemma came out of the exam room and saw me. I heard her sigh. I walked over to her and shook my head.

"Never seen someone in a car accident with bruises on their thighs." I say as Gemma huffs at me.

"Aleera... Stay out of this. It's not..." Gemma says as Tara comes around the corner.

"One of Zobelle's guys is hanging around here. Waiting for something. Wasn't too hard to figure out what was going on." I say as Gemma looks scared and Tara looks pissed.

"You need to stay out of this, little girl." Tara says as I smile at her. I could kill her like it was nothing.

"Have you ever been raped?" I ask as Tara looks at me. "Cause I know the signs. Cause I was. When I was 15." I say as I stepped closer to Tara. "And then next time you try to step to me you better be ready for a fight. Cause I fight to kill. And don't ever call me little girl, Doctor Bitch!" I say as Tara steps away from me. I show a skull tattoo that is on my wrist. "My dad thinks my first kill was after I was 18. But really it was when I was 16 a year after I was raped. The only person that knew about this was Rebehak. No one else, not even my grandmother." I say as Gemma nods her head at me. "I can help you through this or at least understand what you are going through." I say, Gemma hugs me.

"I may just need your help to get me through this." Gemma says as I smile at her.

"Just tell me what you need Mama Gemma and I will make it happen! Even if I have to hold someone down while you stab them! Sometimes that's all it really takes to heal from something like this." I say, Gemma smiles at me. "I would know!" I say as I glare over at Tara. She looks anywhere but at me.

"That's my girl!" Gemma says as Tara looks at us shocked. Gemma starts to walk away but Tara grabs my arm.

"What she needs is to tell the guys about what happened to her." Tara says as I laugh at her.

"Do you know what Clay and Jax would do let alone the rest of the club? If and when they find out about this!" I ask as she shakes her head. "They will rip this town apart, kill anyone and everyone that wrongs them in the effort to get to the men that raped her. That is why I never told my father and if he finds out about it. I don't care if you are with Jax or Jax's old lady. I will kill you and it will be painful and slow." I say, Tara nods her head at me. "The difference between me and you is I don't need a man to handle my shit. I am not some pathice bitch. Unlike you!" I say before walking away from her.

I find Gemma waiting in the hospital chapel with Able nanny Neeta. I smile at her as I sit down. Gemma smiles at me. "You know there was something I liked about you when you first showed up here. It wasn't that you were Hap's daughter... No... I could tell that your family means everything to you. That is why you still listen to your father even though you are 21." She says as I smile at her.

"What can I say... I'm a daddy's girl." I say as both Neeta and Gemma laugh.

"Yes you are. But you are still strong. You don't let anyone treat you like you, like you are anything less than the princess you are." She says as I nod my head.

"After I was raped it took a long time to even be around my father and Uncle. Even though I knew that they would never hurt me. I tried to hide it but dad always knew something happened to me. Just never know what it was. And he never will as long as I can keep it that way." I said as Gemma gave me a sad smile. "I don't want my dad to do something that could send him away for the rest of his life. Not for something I already took care of. Rebekah helped me out alot. Even though she has never been raped. Just talking to her and knowing that she was there for me it helped. 

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