CH.21 The wrong Call

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📜Author's Note📜 Surprised update! 

Hope you all enjoy a surprise update. It is only one chapter but here you go!

Please note: That is will not happen every week but I had a good week of writing and thought I would share it with you all!

Thank you Foreverandalways712


🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was in Bakersfield with Rebekah, Aleera and Emmett when my brother called me and told me what Clay had planned

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I was in Bakersfield with Rebekah, Aleera and Emmett when my brother called me and told me what Clay had planned. Rebekah and Aleera had been put on lockdown by Hap but needed to take some meds to their grandma. So me and Emmett went with them to keep them safe. I drove as Emmett sat in the back with Aleera. Rebekah kept looking at me and biting her lip. It was starting to make me a little nervous. I heard Aleera giggle. When I looked into the rearview mirror, I saw Emmett kissing her neck as she whispered something to her.

"I'm Pregnant!" Rebekah plerts out. I was shocked that I made the car swerve into the other lane.

"I am sorry, what did you just say?" I asked as I pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"I am pregnant!" She said as I looked at her wide eyed. It took a full minute before I could say anything.

"How? You are on the pill and we use condoms?" I asked, I wasn't mad that she was pregnant I was just surprised. I heard Aleera and Emmett laugh. Rebekah looked at me hurt. "Fuck! That's not what I mean... I am just shocked. I am happy about the baby. But really how are you pregnant? We are careful 95% of the time?" I said/asked as Rebekah laughed at me.

"There have been a few times where we didn't use a condom." She said as I gave her a sheepish smile.

"We always use a condom!" Emmett mocked me from the back seat. "Yeah! I am sure you do! Kozik is going to kill you!" He said as Aleera started to laugh really hard. I growled at him.

"Shut it asshole!" I yelled as I tried to hit him. Making Rebekah and Aleera, to laugh at us.

"OK! Knock it off. We are on the side of the road and some Jackass has it out for all of us." Aleera yells as Emmett kisses her neck. Earning a gasp from her.

"Don't worry baby no one will hurt you and our little one! They will have to get past me!" He says as I place my hand on Rebekah's stomach. She smiled at me and put her hand over mine.

"I love you and our baby!" I tell Rebekah.

"We love you!" She told me We hear a few awe's from the back seat. "Shut the fuck up you two." Rebekah growls out at them, making me laugh.

" Rebekah growls out at them, making me laugh

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I smiled as I kissed Aleera. I couldn't wait to get her in her room after everyone else was asleep. I need her. Ever since I found out she was pregnant I have taken her more and more. She is like a drug and I can't get enough of her. I kissed her neck as we walked up to her grandma's place. Her aunt Rose came out to greet us. It was a little weird not having our kutts on. But Alec and I both talked about it and thought it would be nice to do something away from the club. No kutts means it is not club business and this wasn't. Even though they were on lock down we still wanted to make it a weekend about us visiting Aleera and Rebekah's grandma. It wasn't the first time we had met Momma Lowman. But we knew it would mean so much to our girls to just come as their boyfriends and not members of the club.

Momma Lowman wasn't the biggest fan of the club but it had more to do with Hap and Kozik being away so much when Aleera and Rebekah were younger. Being their mom fell on her since their moms took off when they were babies. Aleera doesn't care about her mother. She has told me that she didn't need her then and she doesn't need her now. Rebekah on the other hand would like to get to know her mother as a person not as her mother.

We were sitting around after we had dinner Aleera had fallen asleep on my chest. I smiled down at her as she cuddled more into me. "How did we get so lucky with them?" Alec asked as I noticed that Rebekah was also asleep.

"I don't know but I plan on keeping her and our baby safe. I can't lose them!" I said as we heard a gasp. We turned to see Momma Lowman standing there looking shocked.

"They are both pregnant?" She asked as she pointed to Aleera and Rebekah. We nodded our heads not knowing what to say to her. "Do their fathers know?" She asked as we shook our heads at her. "Oh! Boy!" She said as she sat down in her chair.

"They are going to kill us!" Alec said as I nodded my head in agreement with him.

"No! Well yes! Then they will bring you back for their daughters and grandbabies." She said as I smiled down at my girl. "You four remind me so much of their parents." She said as we looked at her confused. "In a good way. The way you look at them for example. That is how my boys would look at their mothers." She said as my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket to see my brother calling me. Aleera sat up so I could take the call.

"Hey Ope, what's going on?" I asked as I stepped outside.

"The guys got arrested!" He said, I was a little confused at who he was talking about.

"Who got arrested?" I asked as I still didn't know the whole story.

"Clay, Jax, Tig, Bobby, Juice and Hap." He said as I stood there shocked.

"Aleera is going to flip shit when she finds out." I said as I ran my hand down my face.

"Yeah, your old lady is going to have to be put on the back burner. We have business to handle. So get your asses back here." He said and that pissed me off.

"Watch how you talk about my old lady and mother of my kid!" I said with anger and annoyance. "You just told me her father is in jail so yeah my mind went to her." I yelled getting more pissed at my older brother.

"Aleera is pregnant?" He asked as I growled at him.

"Yeah, asshole she is and Hap is her father. So sorry, I am thinking about what this could do to her and our kid." I yelled, still pissed at him.

"Look, I am sorry." He says as I scoff.

"Yeah right?" I said as I shook my head. "We will be back in the morning. Both the girls are tired and we only brought one car." I say as I hear him huff.

"Em... We need to figure out how to help the guys." He said as I shook my head.

"Look I get that... But both Aleera and Rebekah are pregnant and they both need to sleep. We are not going to leave them here with no way to get home." I said as he huffed at me. I got annoyed and hung up on him. 

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