CH.15 Rebekah & Alec🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

The party is in full swing

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The party is in full swing. I am watching Rebekah and Aleera at the bar laughing and having a good time. Emmett is playing a game of pool with Hap, while Koz has a crow eater on his lap. I get up from my set and walk over to Rebekah. "Hey princess?" I say to Rebekah as Aleera starts to laugh at me.

"You are too cute!" Aleera says, hoping off the bar stool and walking over to Emmett. Rebekah smiles at me as I take Aleera's spot. I see Kozik looking at me and Rebekah from his spot on the couch.

"Do you think your dad is ever going to be ok with us seeing each other?" I ask with a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

"Yeah! I think so! It will just take some time. But he will come around!" She says as I put my hand on her thigh rubbing small circles on her exposed skin. "I'm going to use the restroom." Rebekah says standing up.

"Use the one in my dorm!" I say kissing her cheek as she nods her head at me. I watch her walk up the stairs and out of sight. Kozik comes up with the crow eater under his arm.

"Where is Rebekah going?" He asks with venom in his voice.

"She just went to use the bathroom in my dorm!" I say with confusion in my voice. "You ok brother?" I asked, concerned . He has been on edge since he and Rebekah got here.

"Yeah I'm fine just keep an eye on her!" He says in a demanding tone as he looks at one of the hang-arounds that is looking at the stairs that lead to the dorms. I nod my head and leave the bar headed to my dorm to check on Rebekah. Walking up to my room I see the door is open. "Hey baby are you still in here?" I yell through the bathroom door.

"Yeah be out in just a sec." She yells back at me and I nod my head when I see the hang around walk past my door. I walk back to the hallway.

"Hey you're not allowed up here! Get your ass back down stairs." I yell at him, watching him run back down the hallway and out of sight. I hear the bathroom door open, turning around to see Rebekah standing there with a sexy smirk on her face. She walks over to my bed and crawls up it. I can feel my pants getting tighter.

⚠️ Smut begins-🔞 you have been warned⚠️ 

"What are you doing?" I ask as I look at her beautiful body laying on my bed. I watch her lick her lips as she motions for me to come to her. I close and lock the door. Slowly walking over to her.

I walk to the end of the bed where she is at. She sits up grabbing my kutt, pulling me closer to her. "Babe! If your dad comes looking for us..." she cuts me off kissing me. Kissing her back one hand in her hair the other roaming her body! She moans in my mouth. Moving one hand from my kutt to my pants as she starts to unbuckle my belt and starts to undo my pants. "Baby" I moan as I pick her up and move to sit down with her straddling me.

I slide my hands up her dress as she grinds against my cock. I kiss kiss down her neck pushing her hips down as she grins. "Alec!" She moans moving her hands up, removing my kutt from my shoulders. Helping her remove my kutt and shirt as I unzip her dress. Slowly pulling it off her shoulders, kissing down her chest.

"Stand up baby! Let me see you!" I say licking my lips. She stands as I remove the rest of her dress groaning when I see she has no bra on. "God you are beautiful!" I say kissing her stomach. Standing up and removing my boots and pants. Picking her up and laying her down on the bed kissing up her legs. She moans when I reach her upper thigh. Rubbing my hand over her cover core she moans again.

"Alec!" She moans, pulling me up to kiss her.. I quickly remove her panties and my boxers. Rubbing my cock up and down her dripping wet pussy. "Fuck Alec! Don't tease me please." She says with a pout. Thrusting into her slow so she can get used to my size. She nods her head letting me know that she is ready for me. I slowly start to move in and out of her.

"You are so tight babe!" I groan out moving a little faster. I watch as my cock disappears inside of her and reappears . I groan at how good she feels around me.

"Oh GOD! Alec!" She moans out getting tighter. I move faster wanting to hear her scream my name.

"Fuck baby! You feel so good! Cum for me..." I growl out as her body arches.

"ALEC!" She screams as her orgasm rips through her body, scratching down my back. I start to pound into her knowing that I will not last much longer after that.

"Fuck Rebekah!" I say into her neck as I cum inside of her. Lay there for a few minutes before pulling myself out of her. Rolling over on to my back trying to get my breathing under control. I pull her to me. "Your mine... right?" I ask, looking down at her.

"If you want me to be then Yes!" She says looking up at me.

⚠️ Smut ends😔

"I want you to be mine and when you are ready be my old lady and have my crow on your amazing body of yours." I say kissing all over her body as she giggles. "We should get down stairs before you dad comes and kills me!." I say looking into her beautiful eyes. She nods her head. Moving to get up when someone knocks on my door. "Yeah!" I yell at the door, pulling up my boxers.

"You two need to get down stairs now!" Aleera yells through the door. She sounds mad! I quickly pull my pants up and move to the door to open it up to see Aleera standing there with her lip busted open.

"What the hell happened?" I ask pulling her into my room cupping her face to look at her as Rebekah comes and stands next to me looking at her cousin. She shakes her head.

"We need to get out to the ring... NOW!" She says helping Rebekah with her dress. I pull my shirt on and grab my kutt.

"D!.." Rebekah starts to speak but Aleera cuts her off.

"Bekah! There is something we don't tell our fathers... I like Alec, he is a good man and a good friend. I don't want your dad to kill him because he got the goods from you!" Aleera says with a smile, Rebekah laughs.

"I'm his!" She says looking at Aleera to me as I nod.

"Good! Now can we get to the ring before my dad and boyfriend kill two hang-arounds... Please!" Aleera says looking at the two of us. I grab both of their hands and walk down the stairs to see that no one is in the clubhouse.

"OH! Shit!" I say starting to run outside to see everyone around the ring Emmett inside with the hang around I saw up in the hallway. Kozik walks up to us pulling Aleera more in the light to look at her face.

"Kozik... He was up stairs when I went to check on Rebekah!" I say with anger in my voice. Kozik turns and looks at me before walking over to Hap and telling him something.

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