CH.3 Snap of a finger

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Rebekah and watch as our father's leave with the other members of their club

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Rebekah and watch as our father's leave with the other members of their club. I couldn't help but watch Emmett as he climbed onto his bike and left. He is fucking hot and tattooed. I would love to leave my mark on him. But with him being as hot as he is... that means he was one of many man whores the club has. Shame too cause he seemed like a good guy too. I know Rebekah has a little crush on Alec. She talked all about him when she got home.

"OK! So if you could... Which one would you screw?" Rebekah asks, making me laugh at her.

"They all are good looking. I'll give them that!" I say, making Rebekah roll her eyes at me.

"OK! But you didn't answer my question." She says as I smile at her. "Emmett was checking out your ass... like a lot. I'm sure he would love to have you on your tattoo table!" She says as I try not to blush. "So Emmett it is!" She says, slapping my ass.

"It doesn't matter... Not like our father's would ever let us be near them again. Or that he would want to be with someone like me!" I say as Rebekah nods her head.

"True... But a girl can dream. And believe me he wants you!" She says walking away from me. I look back at the door and sigh.

"Yeah! We can!" I say as I head to the kitchen. I start to look through the fridge to see what we have to drink, sighing when there is nothing that looks good to me. "Hey! Let's go out tonight. It has been a shit day for the both of us." I say as Rebekah walks into the kitchen.

"Yeah! That sounds good." She says as I nod my head. We both walk off to our own rooms to get ready. I was going through my clothes as Rebekah was in the shower. I picked out a wine colored tank top and dark blue ripped jeans. I knew we were only going to go to the bar two blocks away so I didn't want to dress too nicely since it's a hole in the wall, bar. But good for a few drinks before we walk home.

Once Rebekah was out of the shower I jumped in. I quickly showered so we could leave and let loose a little bit. We both just let our hair dry naturally since we aren't looking to impress anyone. I was finishing getting dressed as Rebekah was waiting for me to be done so we could leave.

"Ok! I just need to put my shoes on and we can go." I say as Rebekah nods her head. "Have you seen my boots?" I ask as she hands them to me.

"I swear... I don't know what you would do without me?" She says, making me laugh.

"Right!" I say as we hear someone pounding on our door. "Rebekah, run!" I say as I start to push her towards the back door. Before either of us can get far the front door is kicked in and two men walk in. "What the fuck Chris?" I yell as soon as I see him walk into my house.

"You! Fucked up 'D'! You let those pussy as sons kill my brother." He says as I am now shocked. I had no clue that Chris and David were brothers.

"I didn't know what they were going to do! David said if anyone came looking for him to send them back to him." I say as the other guy moves closer to Rebekah and Chris moves closer to me.

"Be that as it may... You two will now be our leverage to get the one that killed my brother. You know the one that will only let you tattoo him." He says as my eyes go wide as he talks about my father. I dive for the gun that is under the coffee table as Rebekah punches the other guy. I get the gun but Chris kicks me in the ribs before he gets on top of me and we start to fight. I never saw the other guy walk in. Not until I heard the gunshot. I screamed as I saw Rebekah laying on the ground.

"OH! I am going to gut you like the pigs you are!" I say hitting Chris right in the jaw. He falls off of me giving me just enough time to get up and launch myself at the one that shot my cousin. I was quickly restrained but still tried to fight.

"You're a tough little girl!" Chris says as he smiles down at me. "Seeing as you are Aleera Lowman... Daughter of Happy Lowman... Sons of Anarchy enforcer. The same man that killed my brother!" He says, grabbing me by my hair and bringing me closer to his face.

"Yeah! I am. And I would do it all again. I would do anything for my father and his club!" I say, spitting in his face. That earned me a slap to the face.

"Bring her. I know just what I want to do to her!" Chris says as he smiles evilly at his friends. The one that shot Rebekah throws me over his shoulder and walks me out to a van. OK! Now time to come up with a plan. I can't let them take me to0 far.

I watch as the one that was fighting with Rebekah gets in the driver seat and I smile. I move so I can kick him hard enough so that he will swerve. I never thought he was that bad of a driver. I only kicked him once and this asshole has us rolling over and over. I groan as I try to crawl out of the van. I only got a few feet away before Chris grabs me.

"Nice try sweetness." He says, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Head in there... We will have to wait for backup." The other guy says.

"Where's 'T'?" Chris asks as the other guy scoffs.

"Dead! This little bitch is just like her father!" He says punching me in the face, making everything go black!

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