CH.23 ATF is back!

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Jax told us how agent Stahl was back and how the Irish were selling our guys to Zobelle and his crew

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Jax told us how agent Stahl was back and how the Irish were selling our guys to Zobelle and his crew. I was not happy with any of them. Clay looked at me and Alec and sighed. "We will be having two new members to the family. Both Alec and Emmett knocked up their old lady's." He said as we glared at him. "As you all know. I let it slip while we were inside and it caused some backlash with Emmett and Opie and Hap and his daughter." He said as I lowly growled. "I am sorry for that." He said as Alec hit me and we both nodded our heads.

"Rebekah is about 7 weeks and Aleera is 10 weeks along." Alec says as I nod my head. I glare at my brother as he rolls his eyes at me. By the end of church I was ready to head home to my old lady. But Hap stopped me.

"How is she?" He asked as I sighed.

"She is hurt." I said as he nodded his head. "Do you really think that she will abandon our baby like her mother did to her?" I asked, not fully understanding why he said that to her.

"No! I don't. I was hurt that Opie and Clay knew before me and I lashed out at her." He said as I nodded my head.

"Opie only knew because he made a comment about Aleera being put on the back burned when I found out you were arrested. When he told me my mind went to her as I knew she would be upset and worried about you and I didn't know what that would do to the baby." I said as Hap looked shocked. "We planned on telling you once we got back." I said as Hap nodded his head.

"Was that why she was crying a few days ago?" He asked as I sighed and ran my hands down my face.

"Yeah! I thought she was going to break up with me. So when she told me. My brian didn't fully process what she had said and I told her to get rid of it." I said as Hap punched my arm. "I didn't mean it. But I still said it. I begged her not to kill our baby. I love her Hap. More and more as time goes on. She means everything to me. I want our little one." I said and he nodded his head.

"Good. Let me know what you all need and I will try and help as much as I can." He said before heading over to a sweetbutt. I shook my head at him as he was about to be a grandpa and was messing around with girls that were only a few years older than Aleera. I huffed as I saw my brother and Jax waiting by my bike.

"I am sorry. Clay asked me how Aleera was doing and it came out. I didn't know she hadn't told Hap yet." He said as I nodded my head.

"It's more than that Opie. Hap is Aleera's father, my old lady and mother to my unborn child. So yes, my mind went to her when you told me that Hap was in jail. I was worried about what the stress would have on our baby." I said as he just stared at me. "You know if I had said that shit to you about Donna, you would have kicked my ass." I said as I pushed past him. "Don't act like you said nothing wrong to me about my old lady." I said as I got on my bike.

I was making room for Emmett's things as we had talked about him moving in with me

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I was making room for Emmett's things as we had talked about him moving in with me. And I mean really moving in with me. Not just sleeping here but making it his home as well as mine and our baby's.

I was taking out the trash when a few cars pulled up. I growled as that ATF bitch got out. I rolled my eyes at her as her and her team walked up to my house. "Good afternoon Miss Lowman. We are here to search your house." She said as I scoffed at her.

"Warnent!" I said as I smiled at her. Her team looked annoyed.

"If you have nothing to hide..." She started to say, making me laugh.

"If you don't have a warrant you are not coming into my house. I am not stupid I know what you are up to. I know what you are trying to do and I am the wrong one to try and pull it with. Now if you don't leave now. I will be filing a complaint against you and your team. For harassment and stalking. As a government agent you should know the laws. And I have enough on you and your team to get you all fired. I studied Law in College." I said with a smile. Agent Bitch looked at me pissed.

"Your father must be so disappointed in you. You're so smart yet all you do is tattoo people for a living" She said as I smiled at her.

"Oh! Studying law was for fun...But has been useful. You know make sure I knew the law just in case bitches like you try to fuck over my family. See I know my right and until you have a warrant to search my property, You should get off of it. As for the comment about my father. Nice try! But you won't bait me into anything." I said before turning and walking into my house. I called Rebekah and warned her about what was coming her way.

When Emmett got home. I told him what had happened. He called my father because whether I liked it or not he was my father and needed to know what was going on. I huffed as my father brought the whole club including Opie. I was still pissed at him for telling Clay about the baby and in turn Clay for telling my father I was pregnant. I wanted to be the one to tell him.

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